New York Daily Snooze (New York Daily News nickname)

New York Daily Snooze is an unflattering nickname of the New York (NY) Daily News newspaper. The nickname Daily Snooze has been cited in print since 1938, but has become popular since about 1995 -- often used by the tabloid newspaper rival New York Post.

Wikipedia: Daily News (New York)
The Daily News of New York City is the fifth most-widely circulated daily newspaper in the United States with a daily circulation of 632,595, as of June 13, 2009. The first U.S. daily printed in tabloid form, it was founded in 1919, and as of 2007 is owned and run by Mortimer Zuckerman. It has won ten Pulitzer Prizes.

Time magazine
Press: In a Garden
Monday, Jan. 31, 1938
The gentlemen in question were Ed Van Every, sports columnist of the New York Sun, Jimmy Powers, sports editor of the Daily News and Jack Miley, a former Daily News sports columnist.
Next day Dan Parker, sports editor of the Hearst Mirror, retaliated with his own fairy tale which began: "Once upon a time there was a dwarf named Screwball Bowers. Now, Screwball wasn't like other dwarfs. He was dwarfed only from the neck up." Parker's parable went on to belittle Screwball Bowers' sports knowledge, questioned his sincerity and significantly wound up with a reference to a tale that had been going the sporting rounds for some time: "He was also honest in the case of Jack Smiley, who wrote a column for Screwball's paper ('the Daily Snooze') until he got too good and met the fate of all who dare make the Screwball look like what he is—a five-letter word rhyming with drowsy."

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From: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Date: Thu, 23 Mar 95 20:27:31 PDT
Local: Thurs, Mar 23 1995 9:27 pm
Subject: NIN Killing American Culture!

Found this in today's NY City Daily Snooze tabloid--

6 January 2000, New York (NY) Amsterdam News, "Go with the Flo" by Florence Anthony, pg. 28:
According to my source, you shouldn't believe anything that you read in the New York Daily Snooze or the New York Pest about the status of Puff Daddy and Jennifer Lopez's relationship.

New York (NY) Times
Post to Daily News: Drop Dead (& Back Atcha)
Published: April 10, 2006
In New York's tabloid newspaper war, revenge is a dish best served boldface.
Writers at The Post regularly point out gossip items that they reported ahead of the "Daily Snooze" — as they call their larger, slightly more sober and more liberal rival.
Martin Dunn, The Daily News' editor in chief, denied that the paper was trying to exploit the Burkle story to hit back at its rival. He said the scandal — which The News first called "Page Sick," then later amended to "Page Fix" — would have merited coverage regardless of whether it concerned a chief rival. The dumping story, he added, was legitimate newspaper industry news.

Financial News
Murdoch, Zuckerman may combine NY printing: source (Reuters)
Tuesday, July 15th, 2008 | Finance News
NEW YORK (Reuters) -
Bitter rivals New York Post owner Rupert Murdoch and New York Daily News owner Mortimer Zuckerman may combine the printing, distribution and back office operations of their New York newspapers, a source familiar with the discussions said on Tuesday.

The source confirmed a New York Times's website report about the preliminary discussions.

The tabloid newspapers have waged a decades-long battle for readers and advertisers through the streets of New York City.

The papers have rarely wasted an opportunity to go for the jugular, attacking each other on its pages. The Post frequently refers to the Daily News as "The Daily Snooze," while the Daily News has referred to the Post as the "New York Pest."