Bullshit Insider (Business Insider nickname)
Business Insider Inc. (an American online media company) began in 2007; the name was changed to Insider Inc. in December 2017. Some critics of Business Insider have nicknamed it "Bullshit…
Business Insider Inc. (an American online media company) began in 2007; the name was changed to Insider Inc. in December 2017. Some critics of Business Insider have nicknamed it "Bullshit…
Bing is a search engine that was introduced on May 28, 2009; its main competitor was the industry search engine leader, Google. The name "Bing" doesn't stand for anything --…
The "Butterfield effect" (sometimes called the 'Butterfield fallacy" or the "Butterfield paradoz") is named after former New York (NY) Times journalist Fox…
BuzzFeed is a New York City-based internet media company. MTS's animated sitcom Beavis and Butt-Head did a BuzzFeed parody called "ButtFeed" on October 25, 2011. The BuzzFeed…
Several publications have been called the "capitalist bible." Adam Smith's An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (1776) has frequently been called the…
YouTube is an American video-sharing website that began in February 2005. In November 2006, Google purchased YouTube. Some of those who have criticized Google's operation of YouTube (such as…
A "charticle" is a "chart" that's also an "article." The term "charticle" was used in Forbes magazine since at least February 23, 1998. Forbes'…
"Churnalism" (churn + journalism) is when a journalist simply churns out press release material, or material found on wire services. "Churnalism" has an isolated citation in…
Townhall is an American politically conservative website. Some critics have called it "Clownhall." "Once again, Jose copies an article from Clownhall" was posted on the…
"Calumny" means a misrepresentation that harms another's reputation. A "columnist" is a person who writes a column of news or opinion for a publication. "Columny"…
The first newspaper "columnist" (or "colyumist," as they humorously called themselves) might have been Franklin Pierce Adams (F. P. A.). His popular "Conning Tower"…
This website (BarryPopik.com) uses ExpressionEngine7. This is the Cookie Policy for ExpressionEngine. This is the Privacy Policy for ExpressionEngine. This website also uses Google Adsense and…
Time magazine was first published in New York City on March 3, 1923. In the 1930s, it was noticed that sports figures who appeared on Time's cover appeared to be jinxed afterward. Time started…
BitChute is a video hosting service, similar to YouTube. BitChute is often slow (or down completely), and some have called it "CrapChute" (similar to "crapshoot").…
Media Matters for America is a progressive media organization that monitors the conservative media, such as Fox News and talk radio host Rush Limbaugh. Media Matters was organized in 2004 as a…
The New York World helped to invent the "cross word puzzle." The New York Times helped to popularize it. American Crossword Puzzle TournamentCrossword puzzles are said to be the most…
"Cultural Marxist Media" (CMM) spread "Cultural Marxism." This is programming meant to destroy individualism and the family structure in favor of the collective and globalism.…
The Daily Beast is an American news website. Some critics have dubbed it the "Daily BS" (daily bullshit). "@thedailybeast The daily BS fight is exhausting" was posted on Twitter…
Daily Caller is a conservative news and opinion website that was founded in 2010. Some critics have dubbed it "Daily Crapper." "They should just rename it 'The Daily…
ENtry in progress -- B.P.Daily Mail Wikipedia: Daily MailThe Daily Mail is a British daily conservative, middle-market tabloid newspaper owned by the Daily Mail and General Trust. First published…