But It’s Not Google (Bing backronym)

Bing is a search engine that was introduced on May 28, 2009; its main competitor was the industry search engine leader, Google. The name “Bing” doesn’t stand for anything—it’s a word somewhat influenced by “bingo!”—but people immediately made the name into a backronym (back acronym).
“But It’s Not Google” was cited on Twitter on May 27, 2009. “Bing Is Not Google” was cited on Twitter on May 28, 2009. “Because It’s Not Google” was also cited on Twitter on May 28, 2009.
Wikipedia: Bing
Bing (known previously as Live Search, Windows Live Search, and MSN Search) is a web search engine (advertised as a “decision engine”) from Microsoft.
Bing was unveiled by Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer on May 28, 2009 at the All Things Digital conference in San Diego for release on June 1. Notable changes include the listing of search suggestions while queries are entered and a list of related searches (called “Explore pane”) based on semantic technology from Powerset which Microsoft purchased in 2008.
Name origin
Through focus groups, Microsoft decided that the name Bing was memorable, short, easy to spell, and that it would function well as a URL around the world. The word would remind people of the sound made during “the moment of discovery and decision making.” Microsoft was assisted by branding consultancy Interbrand in their search for the best name for the new search engine. The name also has strong similarity to the word ‘bingo’, which is used to mean that something sought has been found or realized, as is interjected when winning the game Bingo. Microsoft advertising strategist David Webster originally proposed the name “Bang” for the same reasons the name Bing was ultimately chosen (easy to spell, one syllable, and easy to remember). He noted, “It’s there, it’s an exclamation point [...] It’s the opposite of a question mark.” This name was ultimately not chosen because it could not be properly used as a verb in the context of an internet search.

According to the Guardian “[Microsoft] hasn’t confirmed that it stands recursively for Bing Is Not Google, but that’s the sort of joke software engineers enjoy.”
Ina Fried
Rt @OmarShahineRT @trevin: Just heard a funny remark about the name “Bing” == acronym for “But It’s Not Google” 😊
4:30 PM - 27 May 09
Robert Scoble
I love that Bing means “Bing Is Not Google.” very creative. Heh. http://ff.im/3lZil
5:26 PM - 28 May 09
so does MS’ “new” search tool is a play on recusiveness like GNU? BING.com - Because It’s Not Google?
5:34 PM - 28 May 09
Todd Herman‏
NYT’s on Bing “... some tech people were already noting that Bing is also an unfortunate acronym: “But It’s Not Google.” http://is.gd/IBPA
6:44 PM - 28 May 09
The Guardian (UK)
Bing Is Not Google, but it might be better than you think
Microsoft has been trounced in the search engine business, but it hasn’t given in, and its third try might enjoy better luck

Jack Schofield
Monday 8 June 2009 10.08 EDT
Microsoft admits it missed the importance of search - more accurately, it didn’t realise there was so much money in it, until Google started piling up billions. It’s trying to catch up. First, it converted MSN Search into Live Search, and now it has launched a new version, Bing, with a TV advertising campaign.
Microsoft’s Steve Ballmer said Bing was one of the few available short names that worked on a worldwide basis. The company hasn’t confirmed that it stands recursively for Bing Is Not Google, but that’s the sort of joke software engineers enjoy.
John Battelle
Bing does not stand for “But It’s Not Google” http://battellemedia.com/archives/004937.php
8:20 AM - 10 Jun 09
Alan Wolk‏
NY Times’ David Pogue digs Bing. Also tells us Bing = But It’s Not Google! http://bit.ly/4pMzXU
3:57 PM - 8 Jul 09