Fakecheck (fake + factcheck); Fake Check
Many people believe that factchecking is fake and essentially seeks to confirm the biases of organization sponsoring the factchecking. Fake factchecking has been called "fake checking" or…
Many people believe that factchecking is fake and essentially seeks to confirm the biases of organization sponsoring the factchecking. Fake factchecking has been called "fake checking" or…
Many people believe that factchecking is fake and essentially seeks to confirm the biases of organization sponsoring the factchecking. Fake factchecking has been called "fake checking" or…
Many people believe that factchecking is fake and essentially seeks to confirm the biases of organization sponsoring the factchecking. Fake factchecking has been called "fake checking" or…
"Fakestream media" or "fake stream media" (fake news + mainstream media) became popular when the term "fake news" went viral in 2016 (with the election of U.S.…
CNBC Mad Money host Jim Cramer went on CNBC's Off the Charts on February 5, 2013 and coined the acronym "FANG" -- Facebook, Amazon.com, Netflix and Google. Cramer said that these…
Facebook is a popular global social networking website. Some people who don't like Facebook -- usually because of censorship -- have nicknamed it "Fascistbook" (fascist + Facebook),…
Many publications have been called the "fashion bible" or the "bible of fashion" or the "bible of the fashion world." Godey's Lady' Book has been called…
Many publications have been called the "fashion bible" or the "bible of fashion" or the "bible of the fashion world." Godey's Lady' Book has been called…
A "feel-good story" (or "feel good story") is a story that makes the reader/listener/viewer feel good about themselves and the world -- a break from the pattern of depressing…
Entry in progress -- B.P. (Oxford English Dictionary)fish-wrap adj. and n. N. Amer. colloq. (depreciative) (a) adj. of, relating to, or designating a low-quality publication, esp. a newspaper; (b)…
Conservative radio and television commentator Glenn Beck coined the term "fringe media" on September 16, 2009, for what had been termed the "mainstream media" (MSM). Beck…
"Front Page" is the nickname for the area of East Flatbush, Brooklyn at Foster Avenue and Nostrand Avenue, at the Vanderveer Estates apartment buildings. Crime was so bad that drug…
DuckDuckGo is an internet search engine that emphasizes protecting searchers' privacy. Some have called it "FuckFuckNo." "Every time someone pitches to me DuckDuckGo, all I can…
ABC News published a weekday morning news summary called The Note beginning January 14, 2002. Mark Halperin founded The Note and coined the term "Gang of 500" -- politicians, lobbyists,…
"Gangplank Willies" is the name for the news reporters and photographers who met famous passengers coming to New York City on trans-Atlantic ships in the 1900s, 1910s, 1920s and 1930s.…
The "Ghoul Pool" was a practice of newspaper obituary writers to guess which citizen of the pre-written obits would go first. The "Ghoul Pool" is no longer conducted (one would…
The Apple watch was released in April 2015 and provided at-a-glance headlines and brief news stories. Sportswriter Dan Shanoff wrote in September 2014: "And yet even that notification layer…
A "goat-choker" is an article so long that it suffocates the reader and becomes a real challenge to finish. The length of the article is intentional; the author and the publication intend…
Google is the most popular search engine in the United States. This website (BarryPopik.com, "The Big Apple") has been censored for over 10 years. There is antitrust discussion of the…
The American technology company Google has been called "Goolag" (Google + gulag) by those who believe that Google's corporate vision suppresses free speech on the internet. The…