Terroracism (terror + racism); Terroracist (terror + racist)

“Terroracism” (terror + racism) and “terroracist”  (terror + racist) combine the undesirable qualities of a “terrorist” and a “racist” into single terms. Neither “terroracism” nor “terroracist” has been used with any frequency, but the terms are common and understandable enough for possible greater usage.
“He (Osama bin Laden—ed.) is not a racist he is antiterrorist. Me too I am a terroracist” was cited in print in December 2001. “Moonbat malkin (Michelle Malkin, a conservative—ed.) and her ilk are terroracists” was cited on a progressive blog in July 2006. “You can combine that in one- terroracists….or racorists. I’ve invented a new word” was cited in May 2008. The May 2012 YouTube video series Fight The Terroracists—Fight FOX News used “terroracists” as a mock term that a liberal might throw at a conservative.
Google Groups: alt.prophecies.nostradamus
Osama may be in India
Jean Guernon  
He is not a racist he is antiterrorist.
Me too I am a terroracist
You betcha.
Signs of the Times?
By: Christy Hardin Smith Sunday July 2, 2006 9:04 am
July 2nd, 2006 at 9:29 am
moonbat malkin and her ilk are terroracists.
The Political Roundtable
Re: Obama FINALLY Throws His Pastor Under The Bus
Postby mr dragon » Wed May 07, 2008 12:00 pm

pollywaffle wrote:
Even better - racist terrorists or terrorist racists. :smt011

You can combine that in one- terroracists….or racorists.
I’ve invented a new word 😊
You bloody racorist!
terrorism or racism which is a greater threat for humanity
Posted in the Australia Forum
Oct 12, 2010
Fight The Terroracists - (web series trailer) Fight FOX News
Published on Mar 24, 2012
Web series online now!
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/UglyAndDelicious
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/NickCasalini
police and media in Sweden and England directly involved in producing violence, then populists use terroracism to cash in. Fuck you really.
7:29 AM - 23 May 13
Zero Hedge
Okun’s Brokun… Or Why Someone Is Lying
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/29/2013 13:41 -0400
Sat, 06/29/2013 - 13:52 | 3706156
How dare you be critical of the BOL/BLS….you must be racist
Beam Me Up Scotty
Sat, 06/29/2013 - 13:54 | 3706161
Not just racist, you are a terrorist racist.  Or a racist terrorist.
Sat, 06/29/2013 - 14:05 | 3706173