Theft by Cop (civil asset forfeiture)

Police often take a person’s property (such as cash, a car and even a house) on the suspicion of a crime—although frequently no criminal charges are ever filed. Many critics have argued that these asset forfeiture laws amount to “theft by cop.” The assets often go to police departments, so the police have an incentive for taking people’s property. It’s usually a difficult legal process for a person to get his or her own property back once it has been seized.
“The ‘forfeiture’ (read: theft by cop) laws” was cited in print in 2003, but the term “theft by cop” began to have numerous citations in 2013.
Wikipedia: Asset forfeiture
Asset forfeiture or asset seizure is a form of confiscation of assets by the state, pursuant to law. It typically applies to the alleged proceeds or instrumentalities of crime. Some jurisdictions specifically use the term “confiscation” instead of forfeiture. Civil and administrative asset forfeiture, or forfeiture without a conviction and sometimes in the absence of evidence, both draw major criticism.
Google Groups: misc.consumers.frugal-living
Sen. Orrin Hatch wants to blow up your computer!
Albert Wagner wrote:
> More than likely the model will be confiscation as they do now when they
> “suspect” that you are somehow involved in drugs.  The computers will
> all end up belonging to the local police.
The “forfeiture” (read: theft by cop) laws are only one of the many, many reasons that:
The Only Good Cop Is A Dead Cop.
Cruisers & Sailing Forum
09-07-2009, 18:51
I think you’ve got a pretty good idea. I wouldn’t check anything nice or expensive into customs, since there’s often an excellent chance you won’t get it back (theft by cop).
Amarillo (TX) Globe-News
Troopers arrest man after finding $5,200 in car
Posted: September 27, 2012 - 9:27am
logicrules 09/27/12 - 05:58 pm
Theft by cop
Obviously there is more to the story but to confiscate his money and jail him based on smelling something is outrageous. If the State does not have, immediate justifiable cause he should never have been delayed. As reported, he was only guilty of speeding.
Terrell Lewis
American Injustice: Theft by cop  #p2 #tcot
5:40 PM - 16 Feb 2013
Wesman Todd Shaw
Theft by cop is one of the most disgusting things allowed in America today. End it.
8:13 PM - 9 Mar 2013
Bill Frezza
Man Loses $160,000 In New Policing For Profit Case: Forfeiture abuse remains rampant, otherwise known as theft by cop
2:42 PM - 29 Apr 2013
Google Groups: PoliticalForum
Criminal Enterprise Operations of the Police
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July 18, 2013
Criminal Enterprise Operations of the Police
Dave Hodges
After moving to the border state of Arizona, I learned quickly that it isn’t prudent to drive a car into Mexico because the Federal Police like to pull over “American-looking” tourists and shake them down for cash (yes, Virgina, the Mexican national police force does profile). 

The practice of Mexican police harassing traveling Americans for their cash is so prevalent, most insurance companies require a special rider on one’s insurance policy before covering a car trip into Mexico.
I used to think that this abuse of traveling Americans was just a “Federal Police” problem and could never happen here. However, as I opened both of my eyes and saw the big picture, I realized that American law enforcement was doing the same thing and that the American officers were much more efficient at theft by cop than are the Mexicans. While a Mexican Federal Policeman might shakedown a tourist for $50 in cash, the American officials are more adept at stealing houses, businesses and large amounts of cash even when the cash is not connected to a crime.
E. Zachary Knight
Letter To The Editor of NewsOK: Repeal Civil Asset Forfeiture Laws
August 2, 2013 Posted by E. Zachary Knight
Recently, news broke out that the Caddo County DA was using a private organization to run a civil asset forfeiture ring on a 20 mile stretch of I-40. In response to this I sent in the following letter to News OK:
In response to the July 28 story, “Prosecutors return $21,227 more to Interstate 40 travelers”, This is honestly just sick. Civil Asset Forfeiture is nothing more than legalized theft by cop. We would not stand idly by if some thug was robbing us blind, but for some reason too many people just roll over and take it when the thug is wearing blues.
Brent D. Gardner
Sarah Stillman: The Use and Abuse of Civil Forfeiture … via @NewYorker aka Theft by Cop #BadCop #DirtyCop
9:49 AM - 28 Apr 2014
Silas Scarborough
More police abuse of power in civil forfeiture, otherwise known as theft by cop, fully-documented by John Oliver
Fort Worth, TX
5:41 PM - 6 Oct 2014
Theft by Cop … “.. bad incentives in law enforcement can wreak havoc on innocent people..” #theftbyCop
5:55 AM - 5 Nov 2014