Chambong (champagne + bong)

A "chambong" (champagne + bong) is a flute funnel that allows for faster consumption of champagne. The product was invented in 2014 and was trademarked with a first use date of June 1,…

Charlotte Russe

The charlotte russe (sometimes capitalized as "Charlotte Russe") has been called "Brooklyn ambrosia," although the Bronx also claims the dessert. In the first half of the 1900s…

Chartichoke (Arctic char + artichoke)

Artichokes have nothing to do with the Arctic or Antarctica, but there are jokes. Some jokes involve the cold-water fish Arctic char. "'Antartichoke' - @al_bal4 trying to decide…

Cheese (“Cheese it—the cops!”)

"Cheese it!" was a popular expression in the 19th century, usually a warning from one person to another to stop their current activity because a policeman was approaching ('Cheese it…

Cheese Danish

it is not known if the "cheese Danish" (like the "Danish") comes from New York. 8 August 1942, Los Angeles Times, pg. A2:CHEESE DANISHFolks rave about this heavenly concoction…

Cheese Dip

Entry in progress -- B.P. Arkansas -- Trips & TrailsCheese Dip TrailDid you know Arkansas is believed to be the birthplace of cheese dip? Little Rock lawyer and filmmaker Nick Rogers has done…

Cheese Tea

Entry in progress -- B.P. EaterCheese Tea Could Be the New Bubble Tea — If Americans Get Over the NameTea topped with cheese foam has been stuck on the cusp of trending statesideby Esther Tseng…


New York City did not invent the cheesecake (the German immigrants brought it over), but New York certainly perfected it. 6 October 1931, Syracuse (NY) Herald, pg. X, col. 5:New York Cheese…

Chef Salad (Chef’s Salad)

Chef salad (or "chef's salad") is a tossed salad that contains lettuce, several vegetables, hard-boiled eggs and often cheese and meat (such as ham). Early recipes (from the 1930s)…


"Chefdom" means the state or condition of being a chef. The term "chefdom" has been cited in print since at least 1886, when it referred to the French cooks who would display…

Cheftestant (chef contestant)

"Cheftestant" was coined in 2006 by recapper Keckler of the blog 'Television Without Pity," referring to the chef contestants of the Bravo television channel cooking show Top…

Cherpumple (cherry + pumpkin + apple)

"Cherpumple" is a cherry pie, a pumpkin pie and an apple pie baked all in one. The dessert was created by Charles Phoenix and was popularized in 2010, when it was featured in the Wall…

Chewing Gum

"Chewing gum" is often said to have been invented by Thomas Adams (1818-1905) at Staten Island in the 1860s, but that's part of a larger story. By at least 1828, Americans chewed on…

Chewsday (chew + Tuesday)

Entry in progress -- B.P. OCLC WorldCat recordChewsday; a sex novel.Author: Dan GreenburgPublisher: New York, Stein and Day [1968]Edition/Format: Book : Fiction : English…

Chicken a la King

"Chicken a la king" was widely served in New York hotels in the early 1900s. Several theories have it that the dish is named after a New York "King." Some say that the dish is…

Chicken and Waffles

Harlem likes to take credit for the combination of "chicken and waffles." Several recent articles claim that Wells Supper Club started the tradition there in 1938. It isn't so.…

Chicken Divan

This "Chicken Divan" dish was the signature of the Divan Parisien Restaurant, 33 East 48th Street. Dining, Wining and Dancing in New YorkBy Scudder MiddletonNew York, NY: Dodge Publishing…