Bacontrepreneur (bacon + entrepreneur)

“Bacontrepreneur” (bacon + entrepreneur) is a term coined by Seattle’s Justin Esch and Dave Lefow in 2007, with the introduction of their product, Bacon Salt. The term “bacontrepreneur” escaped specialized blogs such as Bacon Today and became popular in April 2009, when the pair appeared on television shows such as The Daily Show with John Stewart, ABC News and Oprah.
“Baconpreneur” is a shorter, less-used form.
The Official Bacon Salt Blog
June 05, 2007
Hug a bacontrepreneur
Bacontrepreneurs respond to my commments on their excellent product
Filed under: bacon, food, me make food — beerorkid @ Aug 1st, 2007
Steve –
Thank you SO much for spreading the word about Bacon Salt. It’s really been great how the blogosphere has embraced this – way beyond our expectations. We’re definitely underdogs compared to the big companies entrenched in the spice industry – we’ve learned that there are a lot of shady business practices in the food and grocery industries - but people like you really help level the playing field.
Glad to hear you like the products so far, and I hope to hear more about your adventures in Bacon Salt. Scrambled eggs, steak and potatoes would be our strong suggestions next, and we hope that you give Hickory a chance! Hickory is actually our favorite flavor on steaks, potatoes and corn on the cob in particular and overall as well.
Thanks again,
Portland - Yelp
Yours in bacon,
Justin & Dave
Bacon Today
Happy Thanksbacon! (And The First Edition Bactionary)
Posted on 27 November 2008
The Official Bacon Today Bactionary - First Edition
Bacontrepeneur (noun) - A person who starts a business based on the preparation, distribution, sale or propagation of bacon and bacon-related products and other content. Justin & Dave, the Bacon Salt guys, are prime examples of bacontrepreneurs.
Bacon Today
Posted on 28 January 2009
The Official Bacon Today Bactionary - Second Edition
Bacontrepeneur (noun) - A person who starts a business based on the preparation, distribution, sale or propagation of bacon and bacon-related products and other content. Justin & Dave, the Bacon Salt guys, are prime examples of bacontrepreneurs.
John Says:
January 31st, 2009 at 4:58 pm
Baconpreneur (pronounced like entrepreneur but with bacon)
One who makes vast amounts of money from selling bacon.
My Checklist
Thursday, April 9, 2009
388. Outlaw use of the word “bacontrepreneurs”
Jon Stewart is a powerful man:
Weeks after Jon Stewart’s stomach-turningly savage taste test of their latest product on a recent “Daily Show,” two Seattle bacontrepreneurs are seeing orders roll in for jars of the viscous hybrid, “Baconnaise.”
If you thought baconmania was played out, Justin Esch and Dave Lefkow also are seeing an expansion of their corner of it that will make you wonder just what’s too much of a good, savory, delicious thing.
ABC News
‘Bacontrepreneurs’ Building Bacon Empire
From Bacon Salt to Baconaise, Bacon-Lovers Catapult ‘Uber-Meat’ into $1.4 Million Business

April 21, 2009
Justin Esch and Dave Lefkow have re-invented what it means to be entrepreneurs. The self-proclaimed “bacontrepreneurs” have catapulted their love of bacon into a successful business.
“Everything should taste like bacon; that’s the motto,” Esch told ABC News.
Their business began as a joke over drinks. During a lively discussion with friends about their common passion for bacon, the idea for Bacon Salt, a product mixing their two favorite flavors, was born.
Once the recipe was perfected, Esch and Lefkow, 35, introduced Bacon Salt, and hickory and peppered varieties, to the market last year.
U.S. News & World Report - Risky Business blog
Baconnaise Is The New Entrepreneurial Success Story?
April 24, 2009 06:08 PM ET | Matthew Bandyk
On a Daily Show segment this week, correspondent Wyatt Cenac had a message for an arrogant Swedish bureaucrat: any country that could have discovered baconnaise—a sandwich spread that combines two of America’s favorite fatty foods—can’t be all bad.
It’s not just the fake news that is excited about baconaise. ABC dubbed the spread’s creators, Justin Esch and Dave Lefkow, “bacontrepreneurs,” for creating a $1.4 million business in just a year