Avocado Toast

Wikipedia: Avocado toast Avocado toast is a type of open sandwich consisting of toast with mashed avocado, and any of a variety of spices and flavorful ingredients. The most popular are usually…

Avodog (avocado + hot dog)

An "avodog" (or "avo dog") is a hot dog topped with avocado. The Chilean Avocado Importers Association introduced the "avo dog" at Dodger Stadium in 2006. The Peruvian…

Awesome Sauce

An "awesome sauce" can be a very good sauce placed on food. The slang term "awesome sauce" describes someone or something "awesome," with "sauce" added as an…

Babka (Bobka)

Entry in progress -- B.P. Wikipedia: BabkaBabka, or Bobka, also known as baba, is a sweet yeast cake. East European versionIt is a spongy yeast cake that is traditionally baked for Easter Sunday in…

Bacardi Big Apple

"Bacardi Big Apple" (apple-flavored rum) was introduced in 2005 with a large ad campaign in New York City. A

Bacon and Eggs

"Bacon and eggs" is one of the most popular breakfast dishes in America. The United States got this breakfast tradition from England, where "bacon and eggs" as a breakfast dish…

Baconalia (bacon + bacchanalia)

"Baconalia" (bacon + bacchanalia) is a festival that celebrates bacon, just as the bacchanalia celebrates drink and the Greco-Roman god Bacchus (or Dionysus). The term…


"Baconify" means to add bacon to something. "Baconify" has been cited in print since at least December 7, 2003, when the word was added to the Urban Dictionary. A term similar…


"Baconize" means to add bacon to something. "Baconize" was cited in print in 1940. but has become popular since 2005, when the word was added to the Urban Dictionary. A term…

Bag of Mystery (sausage)

Entry in progress -- B.P. (Oxford English Dictionary_bag of mystery n. (usually in pl. bags of mystery) slang a sausage or saveloy.1864 J. C. Hotten Slang Dict. (new ed.) 69. 1879 W. J. Barry Up…

Bagel Ball (Bantam Bagel)

Entry in progress -- B.P Bantam BagelsBantam Bagels are mini, filled bagel balls!Bantam Bagels is different than any other New York bagel shop. Why? Because at Bantam Bagels we produce fresh,…