“Tofu is just soy milk cheese”

Tofu has been described as soy (milk) cheese. "tofu is soy cheese" was posted on Twitter by Khaled: šŸ§  on July 3, 2009. "Tofu is basically soy cheese... intresting" was postedā€¦

“Tofu is just soya cheese”

Tofu has been described as soy (milk) cheese. "tofu is soy cheese" was posted on Twitter by Khaled: šŸ§  on July 3, 2009. "Tofu is basically soy cheese... intresting" was postedā€¦

“Tofu is just soya milk cheese”

Tofu has been described as soy (milk) cheese. "tofu is soy cheese" was posted on Twitter by Khaled: šŸ§  on July 3, 2009. "Tofu is basically soy cheese... intresting" was postedā€¦

“Tofu is just soymilk cheese”

Tofu has been described as soy (milk) cheese. "tofu is soy cheese" was posted on Twitter by Khaled: šŸ§  on July 3, 2009. "Tofu is basically soy cheese... intresting" was postedā€¦

“Tofu never screams”

"Tofu never screams" is a vegan saying that has been printed on many images. That is, no animals were killed in the making of tofu. "Tofu never screams" was posted on Twitter byā€¦