Classhole (class + asshole)

A “classhole” (class + asshole) is an annoying person at school. “The jerk of the class!” was a definition in the Urban Dictionary on February 17, 2003. A popular definition was cited on Twitter on August 29, 2012:
“Classhole (n) : That one student who decides to be present in the class even after whole class unanimously decided for a mass bunk.”
“BajaRat failed all classes except one, otherwise he’d be a total classhole” was posted to the newsgroup misc.immigration.usa on August 4, 1998.
The term “classhole” can also have nothing to do with school. The Online Slang Dictionary definied the term on January 27, 2014:
“A high class and cocky or egocentric and bombastic asshole who thinks they are better than everyone else.”
Google Groups: misc.immigration.usa
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BajaRat failed all classes except one, otherwise he’d be a total classhole.
Urban Dictionary
The jerk of the class! See asshole.
That guy is definitely the classhole in algebra class.
by Crys February 17, 2003
Boston University School of Law
Were You Born A Classhole? (Or Did You Work At It Your Whole Life?)
October 31, 2008 at 2:57 pm
At BU, they’re called classholes. At many other schools, gunners. Still others have no title but are reserved a snide look and a withheld invitation to any social invitation outside of the law school.
I don’t know when or how it started, but these brown-nosing, overachieving, socially inept book worms have an undeserved bad reputation in law school.
Atharv Arekar
Classhole (n) : That one student who decides to be present in the class even after whole class unanimously decided for a mass bunk.
10:21 PM - 29 Aug 2012
The Online Slang Dictionary
A high class and cocky or egocentric and bombastic asshole who thinks they are better than everyone else.
Last edited on Jan 27 2014. Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 27 2014.
गरम Samosa
Classhole(n)- The Guy who comes up with a doubt at the end of the lecture & extends it.
4:03 AM - 25 Mar 2014
Google Books
Blood Kiss
By J. R. Ward
New York, NY: Signet
Pg. 205:
If the guy hadn’t been so tight at the hand-to-hand, and otherwise quiet and not a problem, you’d have pointed to him as the classhole.
Urban Dictionary
A student in class who acts like a total asshole.
My teacher called that jerky kid a classhole because my teacher is crafty and amazing.
#class #school #jerk #idiot #rude
by Gypsy Lagoon September 29, 2015
Collin Haworth
Classhole (n). The student who asks a stupid question when the teacher asks if there are any more questions right at the end of class.
3:18 AM - 23 Apr 2016