Dormitory Row

"Dormitory Row" is Third Avenue, between St. Mark's Place and 14th Street. The entire area seems to be owned mostly by New York University.

The website "Jossip" has called it "Hell Highway," but that's mean!
Restored 5 buildings in Manhattan's east Village; developed mixed-use residential/commercial community, including Dormitory Row, East 9-13th Street and Third Avenue
Volume 75, Number 44 | March 22 -28 2006
N.Y.U. may be looking to add to Third Ave. dormitory row
By Lincoln Anderson

With the recent news that the Catholic Center at New York University will be demolished and replaced by a smaller chapel built on only a portion of the property, the immediate speculation in the community was that New York University undoubtedly must be planning to buy the remaining property to develop a new building. However, N.Y.U. last week quashed these rumors, with a university spokesperson saying — as unlikely as it may seem — that N.Y.U. has no interest in acquiring this site in the heart of its Washington Square campus.

Another development scenario has emerged, however, that appears more credible — and which N.Y.U. has not denied. Namely, the university is said to be intensely negotiating to try to purchase a vacant property at Third Ave. and 10th St. that was formerly home to the Bendiner & Schlesinger blood labs. A year ago, The Villager reported that the property's owner planned to demolish the labs and put up a new six-story rental apartment building with commercial street-level businesses.

Susan Stetzer, district manager of Community Board 3, said she recently called Alicia Hurley, N.Y.U. director of government and community affairs, about the Third Ave. site and that Hurley confirmed N.Y.U. definitely wants it. The site is sandwiched in the middle of N.Y.U.'s Third Ave. "dormitory row," with Alumni Hall, which houses 500 students, on the block to the south, and the Third Avenue North dorm, which houses 950 students, on the block to the north. Two and a half blocks away, a planned 26-story, 700-student dormitory is being built for N.Y.U. on E. 12th St. at the location of the former St. Ann's Church.
Fri / 24 Mar 2006
NYU renames Third Avenue 'Hell Highway'
» More NYC, NYU, Real Estate, Stephanie Klein

It begins around 9th Street, and stretches all the way up to 26th St., and stretches across at least four avenues. It is the growing off-"campus" (Washington Square Park) NYU housing glut. And it is seemingly as insatiable as Gael Green.

Recently NYU acquired a church on 12th St. which it will turn into a drug dealing dorm, and now, they're ready to take yet another bite of Third Avenue — at 10th St.

Namely, the university is said to be intensely negotiating to try to purchase a vacant property at Third Ave. and 10th St. that was formerly home to the Bendiner & Schlesinger blood labs.

The site is sandwiched in the middle of N.Y.U.'s Third Ave. "dormitory row," with Alumni Hall, which houses 500 students, on the block to the south, and the Third Avenue North dorm, which houses 950 students, on the block to the north.

We didn't know there was any room left on that corner, let alone the block, that wasn't already NYU, but somehow they're managing to shove another in. Did Stephanie Klein call them and suggest using the Pam?

14 January 1996, New York Times, "From Suppers of Legend to a Spot on Dormitory Row" by Michael Cooper, pg. CY6:
The hall will expand the stretch of Third Avenue from St. Mark's Place to Union Square and its surrounding streets that has become known as Dormitory Row. In the last decade N.Y.U., Cooper Union and the New School for Social Research have reached beyond their commuter-college roots to draw students from around the nation. The newcomers need a place to live.