Restaurants/Bars/Coffeehouses/Food Stores

Go West, Young Man

"Go West, young man" is associated with New York Tribune editor Horace Greeley (1811-1872). The Tribune, unlike the New York

Gobbledygook (Maury Maverick WWII term)

World War II produced lots of bad bureaucrat-ese language in official memos. Maury Maverick (a former Texas Congressman and then chairman of the Smaller War Plants Corporation) was so frustrated…

GoCaGa (Gowanus-Carroll Gardens)

"GoCaGa" is a seldom-used nickname for the Gowanus-Carroll Gardens section of Brooklyn. "GoCaGa" was cited in print in August 2008 amd was popularized in a November 9, 2009 New…

God Box (Interchurch Center)

The Interchurch Center is a 19-story granite-faced building (opened in 1960) at 475 Riverside Drive and West 10th Street in Manhattan. The building is home to many Christian organizations, such as…

God’s Big Acre (Texas nickname)

Some people insist that "God's Big Acre" is another Texas nickname. If so, it's very seldom used. Search engines show just a handful of hits. The book God's Big Acre: Life…

God’s Gravy (natural juices)

Some Texans prefer not to add gravy or sauces to cooked meat. The meat is cooked in "God's gravy" -- the natural juices. The term "God's gravy" dates back to at least…

God’s Waiting Room

So many retirees moved to Florida that it has been called "God's waiting room. However, it appears that Pasadena, California had this nickname first. 16 March 1953, Times-Bulletin (Van…