
Shiti Bike (Citi Bike nickname)

New York City's "Citi Bike" program was launched on May 27, 2013. The program was named and funded (in large part) by Citigroup, which paid $41 million for a six-year sponsorship.…

Shivercrat (Governor Allan Shivers + Democrat)

Democrat Texas Governor Allan Shivers (1907-1985) endorsed Eisenhower (a Republican) for president in 1952. Conservative Democrats like Shivers were called"Shivercrats," and, after 1970,…

Shmeat (sheet + meat)

"Shmeat" (sheet + meat) is in vitro meat that has also been called "cultured meat" and "test tube meat." Dr. Vladimir Mironov, a biologist at the Medical University of…

Shoe District

Around 1900, the "shoe district" was on Duane Street, near West Broadway. Major shoe companies such as Endicott-Johnson were located there. Recently, the area of West 8th Street near…

Shoofly Pie (Shoo-fly Pie)

"Shoofly pie" (or "shoo-fly pie") is a pie made of molasses or brown sugar. The pie attracts flies, hence the name. "'Shoo Fly' pie was on the bill of fare…

Shooter’s Sandwich

A "shooter's sandwich" is a sandwich that an Englishman takes with him while he goes hunting (shooting). A loaf of bread is hollowed out and filled with meat, cheese and vegetables.…


A "shopaholic" is someone who loves to shop. The joke word formation implies that a "shopaholic" is addicted, like an "alcoholic." Similar words include…


Entry in progress -- B.P. Wikipedia: Reverend Billy and the Stop Shopping ChoirReverend Billy and the Stop Shopping Choir is a radical performance community with an Elvis-like preacher based in New…