Remax Ballunar Liftoff Festival (Houston)

The annual Ballunar Liftoff Festival began in the mid-1990s in Houston and is one of the country’s leading balloon events.
Ballunar History
Who would have thought that in just ten short years an idea to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the first manned flight in France would have grown to become one of the largest balloon events in the United States ?

It was early in 1993 that balloon pilot Steve Lombardi decided to organize a small rally in celebration of this historical event.  His flight of fancy: combine man’s first form of flight with today’s most technical form of flight, and hold this event at the NASA/Johnson Space Center.

Needing seed money as well as support, Steve approached Richard Filip, CEO/Owner of RE/MAX of Texas. RE/MAX® balloons, racecars and charity events routinely put the hot air balloon logo “Above the Crowd!®”  Plus, the RE/MAX Balloon is one of the most recognized corporate symbols in the world.  Needless to say, Richard not only offered financial support, but also offered to dive in headfirst and help organize the event. Further, it was learned that a new visitor’s center at the Space Center was about to open, and they might be receptive to promoting their new facility.

In May of 1993, the first meeting was held between Steve Lombardi, Richard Filip and the promotions and public relations department at Space Center Houston.  They elected to hold the First Annual Ballunar Liftoff Festival during August.  And because of the support of RE/MAX of Texas , their local offices and sponsors, and of course NASA/Johnson Space Center, the first year was quite a success!

In 1994, the Clear Lake Area Chamber of Commerce jumped in with their full support for the future, and skydiving and other aerial sport demonstrations were added.  The goal was unique: keep the crowds entertained all day, educate them about aviation and space exploration, and further promote the space program.
Blasting Off at the NASA/Johnson Space Center
August 25, 2006


6:00 pm - 10:00 pm
6:00 pm
Gates Open

6:00 pm
PRP Entertainment - High Energy Music

6:30 pm
Balloon Launch

7:00 pm
Live Entertainment on Stage: Brunette Sky – Rock & Pop Band

7:40 pm
RE/MAX American Skydiving Team - American Flag

7:45 pm
Live Entertainment on Stage: Brunette Sky – Rock & Pop Band

8:15 pm
Curves Balloon Glow

9:00 pm
Live Entertainment on Stage: Brunette Sky – Rock & Pop Band
August 26, 2006


6:30 am - 10:00 pm
6:30 am
Gates Open

6:30 am
PRP Entertainment - High Energy Music All Day

6:45 am
Exhibition Skydiving Team

7:00 am
Shuttle Rendezvous Balloon Competition

8:00 am
ALL DAY - Air Sports Excellent Adventures

9:00 am - 5:00 pm
NASA Mini Tour

10:00 am Royal Academy of Fine Arts - The Preludes
11:00 am - 3:00 pm Astronaut Signing - NASA Tent
4:00 pm Stephanie Galindo, Vocalist - Tejano Music
6:00 pm
Live Entertainment on Stage:

6:15 pm
Allstate Insurance Balloon Launch

7:15 pm
Live Entertainment on Stage: Surface – Rock & Roll Band

8:00 pm
Schepps Dairy UFO Invasion Balloon Glow (Special Shapes)

8:45 pm - 10:00 pm
Live Entertainment on Stage: Surface – Rock & Roll Band
August 27, 2006


6:30 am - 12:00 pm
6:30 am
Gates Open

6:30 am
PRP Entertainment - High Energy Music All Day

7:00 am
Balloon Flight Competition

7:00 am - 12:00 pm Live Entertainment on Stage: The Bluegrass Solution
8:00 am - 12:00 pm
Skydivers and Air Sports Excellent Adventures

12:00 pm
Gates Close