Tylerite (inhabitant of Tyler)
"Tylerite” is the name of an inhabitant of Tyler, Texas. The name “Tylerite” has been cited in print since at least 1880. Wikipedia: Tyler, TexasTyler is a city in and the county seat of…
"Tylerite” is the name of an inhabitant of Tyler, Texas. The name “Tylerite” has been cited in print since at least 1880. Wikipedia: Tyler, TexasTyler is a city in and the county seat of…
"Typhoid Mary" is one of the few persons of any sort to have an entry in the Oxford English Dictionary. She has been the subject of several books and a PBS Nova documentary investigation.…
A press corps (such as the White House press corps) often simply repeats what a government administration declares, without additional reporting. Members of a lazy press corps have been derided as…
The "tyranny of good intentions" occurs, for example, when government legislates lifestyle choices, such as what light bulb is acceptable, or what toilet is acceptable, or what amount of…
"U Signed the Motherfucking Contract" is a backronym (back acronym) of "USMC" (United States Marine Corps). "U Signed the Motherfucking Contract" has been cited in…
"U Suckers Miss(ed) Christmas" is a backronym (back acronym) of "USMC" (United States Marine Corps). "U Suckers Missed Christmas" has been cited in print since at…
The U. S. Open (tennis) did not begin in New York, and it can probably be played anywhere in the United States. However, the first modern U. S. Open was held at the West Side Tennis Club in Forest…
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is an American lobbying group that represents the interests of many businesses. Conservative radio talk show host Mark Levin criticized the group in December 2013:…
UBS (originally the Union Bank of Switzerland) is one of the world's largest banks and has several branches in Manhattan. When Union Bank of Switzerland and Swiss Bank Corporation announced a…
"Prices range from $3.95 for ugly sticks (bread sticks)" was printed in the South Bend (IN) Tribune on October 3, 2005, in a review of Bob's 19th Hole (South Bend, IN). "Visit…
Syndicated newspaper columnist Walter Winchell (1897-1972) wrote in a column in March 1949: "Sights You Never See on the New York Map: (...) 'Ulcer County,' the sector along Madison…
Syndicated newspaper columnist Walter Winchell (1897-1972) wrote in a column in March 1949: "Sights You Never See on the New York Map: (...) 'Ulcer County,' the sector along Madison…
Madison Avenue (home to many advertising agencies) was popularly called "Ulcer Gulch" in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s. "Ulcer Gulch" was cited in 1942 as the nickname for the War…
"ULURP ("you lurp!") is the "Uniform Land Use Review Procedure" that goes before City Planning, the borough presidents, and the community boards. Real estate is very…
Wikipedia: Rat Rock (Central Park)Rat Rock, also known as Umpire Rock, is an outcrop of Manhattan schist which protrudes from the bedrock in Central Park, Manhattan, New York City. It is named…
The Austin American-Statesman is the daily newspaper for the capital city of Austin. The Democratic Statesman dates back to 1871, and today's newspaper is called "The Statesman" for…
Austin is sometimes called "the un-Texas." It's a little different than the rest of Texas. Other Austin nicknames include "Keep Austin Weird" and "The People's…
Someone without a bank account is said to be "unbanked," and one possible reason could be a lack of banks in the geographical area. Someone who has a bank account but who decides to…
"Unbought and Unbossed" was the title of the late Shirley Chisholm's 1970 autobiography. Chisholm was the first black woman to become a member of Congress. However, former New York…
"Uncle Fedster" is a blend of "Uncle Sam" and "Fedster" (meaning someone in the federal government, not someone in the Federal Reserve System). The name "Uncle…