Uncle Sam (summary)
"Uncle Sam" is a personification of the United States, formed from the letters "U. S." The name became popular in the War of 1812; England was personified then as "John…
"Uncle Sam" is a personification of the United States, formed from the letters "U. S." The name became popular in the War of 1812; England was personified then as "John…
"Uncle Sam Ain't Released Me Yet" is a backronym (back acronym) for "U.S. Army." "U.S. Army, which many soldiers will tell you is a contraction for 'Uncle Sam…
U.S. President George H. W. Bush declared "Uncle Sam Day" for September 13, 1989. The date September 13, 1766 was the birthday of Samuel Wilson, the Troy (NY) meat packer who some believe…
"Uncle Sam's canoe club" is a nickname for the United States Navy. "Uncle Sam's canoe club (pardon, navy)" was cited in print in 1950. Wiktionary: Glossary of military…
The United States Coast Guard is part of the United States Armed Forces and was created by Congress in 1790 as the "Revenue Marine." The Coast Guard is smaller than the military divisions…
The United States Marine Corps is part of the United States Armed Forces and was founded in 1775. The letters "USMC" have been nicknamed "Uncle Sam's Misguided Children"…
"Uncle Sam's Motorcycle Club" is a backronym (back acronym) of "USMC" (United States Marine Corps). "Uncle Sam's Motorcycle Club" has been cited in print…
"Uncle Sam's Mountain Climbers" is a backronym (back acronym) of "USMC" (United States Marine Corps). "Uncle Sammy's Mountain Climbers" has been cited in…
Delaware was nicknamed "Uncle Sam's Pocket Handkerchief" in the 1800s because of the small size of the state. "Uncle Sam's pocket among the peaches (Delaware)" was…
"Uncle Scam" (Uncle Sam + scam) is an Uncle Sam nickname used by people who believe that the federal government is deceitful. Although the name "Uncle Sam" dates to 1812, the…
"Uncle Sugar" means the "United States" (U.S.), taken from the slang names "Uncle Sam" and "sugar daddy." The slang "sugar" means…
Entry in progress -- BP Wikipedia: Gaiety Theatre (New York City)The Gaiety Theatre was a Broadway theatre at 1547 Broadway in New York City from 1909 until 1982, when it was torn down. The office…
Pier 94 is on the west side of Manhattan, at 54th Street. It used to be a garage, but since 1998 it has been the "UnConvention Center," a mini-Javits Convention Center.…
The United States Coast Guard is part of the United States Armed Forces and was created by Congress in 1790 as the "Revenue Marine." The Coast Guard is smaller than the military divisions…
The United States government checks some people's Internet activity (among other activities) and some citizens believe that government surveillance has gotten out of control. The United States…
"Underbanking" occurs when geographical areas have only limited banking facilities. The term "underbanked" has been cited in print since a least 1935 and is often discussed with…
Conservative writer Ben Domenech coined the term "undertow election" in an October 30, 2012 article for Real Clear Politics titled "Are We Looking at an Undertow Election?" A…
"Underwater basket weaving" (or "basketweaving") is a joke college course that is known to be an easy grade and/or a worthless subject. Few colleges and universities teach…
The National Football League conducts a combine to test college athletes in February, in advance of the April NFL draft of players. Athletes go through various speed and agility tests, but they…
Republicans have often claimed that the Democrat Party is the political party of illegal immigration. One joke is that they're no longer called "illegal aliens," but are now called…