Uncle Fedster (Uncle Sam + Fedster)

“Uncle Fedster” is a blend of “Uncle Sam” and “Fedster” (meaning someone in the federal government, not someone in the Federal Reserve System). The name “Uncle Fedster” likely was influenced by the popular character of “Uncle Fester” in The Addams Family books, television sitcom, movies and Broadway musical.
The name of “Uncle Fedster” has been cited in print since at least 1998.
Wikipedia: Uncle Fester
Uncle Fester, or Fester Addams, is a member of the fictional Addams Family. He was played by Jackie Coogan in the original television series, by Christopher Lloyd in the first two feature films, and by Patrick Thomas in the third, Addams Family Reunion. Finally, Michael Roberds played Fester in The New Addams Family. In the Broadway musical, he is played by Kevin Chamberlin though he was replaced by Brad Oscar on March 8, 2011.
Uncle Fester is a really shy man when it comes to seeing someone he likes and he is a completely hairless, hunched, and barrel-shaped man with dark, sunken eyes and often a deranged smile. He always wears a heavy, full-length fur coat. Fester was derived from a character drawn by cartoonist Charles Addams, although these were single page cartoons, with no stories or character names.
Google Groups: list.cypherpunks
Newsgroups: list.cypherpunks
From: Robert Hettinga
Date: 1998/04/17
Subject: e$: Tet in Cypherspace
The fact that it happened on the day of the year when Uncle Fedster and his minions formally celebrate their confiscation of almost 50% of our collective income in federal, state and local taxes only made the victory sweeter for those of us who think freedom still matters.
Google Groups: rec.motorcycles.harley
Newsgroups: rec.motorcycles.harley
From: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) (Ears)
Date: 1999/03/18
Subject: Re: Not a joke: Some Taxing Thoughts
I think the official average is about 3 months out of the year, working for Uncle fedster.
Google Groups: Oregon Libertarian Discussion
From: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2006 09:58:57 -0800
Local: Sun, Oct 29 2006 1:58 pm
Subject: Re: model flawed
Yes indeed.  Let’s say that 6-7 years ago uncle fedster had NOT manipulated the economy and wages rose (just like they were supposed to).
The Snooper Report
Sun, March 1, 2009 at 13:56
However, Uncle Fedster has become what our Founding Fathers warned us about and we must Take Arms against it by force or election.
Alien Earth Forum
Big FDIC Regional Bank Closure Today - Colonial BancGroup
So now with this early closure (speculated by some as necessitated by a possible run on the bank by it’s customers - the trend has been to seize the bank at the end of the day, not at the beginning of it), the FDIC is either broke or damn near it… meaning Uncle Fedster will have two choices - either keep that printing press cranked up to ‘11,’ or beg and plead for the financiers of our debt- mainly China - to purchase more US Treasury securities.
Zero Hedge
Enlighten Me: WHY Should AIG Have Paid Swaps at < Par?

Submitted by Anal_yst on 10/27/2009 17:49 -0400
by McGriffen
on Wed, 10/28/2009 - 18:51
Before it’s called apples/oranges…bullcrap.  An over-levered finance corporation failed, and absent a 25th hour reprieve from uncle Fedster AIG is in the same liquidation boat as good ol’ captain dicky fuld and USS Lehman.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010 2:16:00 AM
Fannie was started as it’s own company.
That is why you can buy and sell this garbage.
Uncle Fedster is just an excentric that helps out it’s criminal family.