Unbought and Unbossed

"Unbought and Unbossed" was the title of the late Shirley Chisholm's 1970 autobiography. Chisholm was the first black woman to become a member of Congress.

However, former New York City Mayor Vincent Impellitteri (1900-1987) popularized "unbought and unbossed" in 1950. Citations have also been found from the presidential campaign of Warren G. Harding (1920) and the New York City mayoral campaign of Fiorello La Guardia (1933)

Wikipedia: Shirley Chisholm
Shirley Anita Chisholm (née St. Hill; November 30, 1924 – January 1, 2005) was an American politician, educator, and author. In 1968, she became the first black woman elected to the United States Congress, and she represented New York's 12th congressional district for seven terms from 1969 to 1983. In 1972, she became the first black candidate for a major party's nomination for President of the United States, and the first woman to run for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination.
Chisholm wrote two autobiographical books.

Chisholm, Shirley (1970). Unbought and Unbossed. Houghton Mifflin. ISBN 978-0-395-10932-8.
. Chisholm, Shirley (2010). Scott Simpson, ed. Unbought and Unbossed: Expanded 40th Anniversary Edition. Take Root Media. ISBN 978-0-9800590-2-1.

10 July 1891, The Evening Bulletin (Maysville, KY), pg. 2, col. 1:
"The Democrats have a great advantage wherever a secret ballot gives opportunity for unbought, unbossed voting," truthfully remarks an exchange.

14 June 1920, New York (NY) Times, pg. 4:
Unbought, unbullied and unbossed. Such, as the event proved, was the character of the Republican National Convention of 1920.

5 November 1933, New York (NY) Times, pg. 2:
The audience became impatient and as the crowds in the balcony started clapping Mr. Boehm stepped before the microphone and introduced the first speaker, Moses H. Grossman, the Recovery party candidate for Justice of the Supreme Court.

Judge Grossman evoked the first applause when he mentioned the name of Mr. McKee and then the names of the other principal candidates on the Recovery ticket.

"Each of them," he said, "was nominated solely by the petitions of the people and not by the hands of any political bosses. This is not a political campaign; this is a political revolution."

These men, he went on, "are running in spite of a stupid and arrogant political" hierarchy which opposed their candidacy. The Recovery party, he emphasized, stands for political independence and its candidates, when elected, will be "unbought and unbossed."

30 October 1950, New York (NY) Times, pg. 17:

Deputy Mayor and Campaign
Manager Plead fo Election
of "Unbought" Candidate

The election of Acting Mayor Impellitteri as the "unbought and unbossed" candidate for that office was urged yesterday by Deputy Mayor Charles Horowitz and Herman Hoffman, campaign manager, in radio addresses.

6 June 1952, New York (NY) Times, "Mayor Rejects Bid to Tammany Dinner" by James A. Hagerty, pg. 12, col. 5:
In an attempt to attain party harmony, Mr. DeSapio offered Mr. Impellitteri a Democratic nomination for Supreme Court Justice with oral assurance of a Liberal party endorsement after Mr. Impellitteri had announced his intention to run for Mayor on an independent ticket. Mr. Impellitteri's refusal of this offer enabled him to run as the "unbossed and unbought" candidate of the independent Experience party. He defeated Ferdinand Pecora, former Supreme Court Justice, the candidate of the Democratic and Liberal parties, by a plurality of 235,824.

24 September 1953, New York (NY) Times, pg. 1:
Meanwhile, posters of the Experience party, the Mayor's party in 1950, appeared in many places in the city. They have been pasted over the pre-primary posters and urge a vote for Mr. Impellitteri on Nov. 3 as the candidate who "cannot be bought or bossed."
Pg. 36:
William J. Donoghue, former secretary to Mayor Impellitteri, yesterday joined the staff of the headquarters of Robert F. Wagner Jr., Democratic nominee for Mayor, at the Biltmore Hotel. Mr. Conoghue is generally credited with having had a large part in electing Mr. Impellitteri in 1950 and with having invented the description of him as the "unbought and unbossed candidate."

15 June 1968, Amsterdam News (New York, NY), pg. 19, col. 1 ad:
Vote For SHIRLEY CHISHOLM For COngress 12th C.D.

6 November 1968, New York Times, "Mrs. Chisholm Defeats Farmer, Is First Negro Woman in House; First Negro Woman Wins House Seat," pg. 25:
Mrs. Chisholm, who campaigned as an "unbought and unbossed" candidate, spent four years in the state Assembly and last August was elected as the Democratic National Committeewoman from New York State.

8 November 1968, Boston (MA) Globe, "A Pepperpot For Congress" by Gloria Negri, pg. 15, col. 1:
Brooklyn-born Shirley Chisholm, oldest of four daughters of West Indian immigrant parents, truly is "something." Ever since she got into politics four years ago, her motto has been "unbossed and unbought."

8 August 1970, Chicago (IL) Daily Defender, pg. 10:
Due for fall publication, "Unbossed and Unbought", is the autobiographical memoirs by Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm of how she became the first black women elected to Congress.

22 October 1973, Chicago (IL) Tribune, pg. A1:
STICKING FAST to the "superstar" label early in the game was Shirley Chisholm, who captured national attention with her self-announced "un-bought, un-bossed" manner.

24 November 1973, Chicago (IL) Defender, pg. 10:
Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm boasts that she is unbought and unbossed, but within the Congressional Black Caucus it is no secret that she has an on-going vendetta with her male colleagues, particularly, Reps. Louis Stokes and William "Bill" Clay.