"Teppanyaki" (or "teppan-yaki") is a Japanese cuisine where food (such as steak and shrimp) is cooked in an iron plate ("teppan") in front of diners. The Benihana…
"Teppanyaki" (or "teppan-yaki") is a Japanese cuisine where food (such as steak and shrimp) is cooked in an iron plate ("teppan") in front of diners. The Benihana…
Tequila (usually paired with lime juice) began to be added to chicken recipes by at least the 1970s, but the recipes became much more frequent in the 1990s. A 1977 recipe for "Chicken Tequila…
The "Margarita" (Spanish for "daisy") cocktail is a world-famous tequila-based cocktail, made with Triple Sec (or Cointreau) and lime juice and often served in a salt-rimmed…
Ever since Harper Lee's 1960 novel To Kill a Mockingbird, a drink named "Tequila Mockingbird" was bound to happen somehow. Drinks by that name date from the 1960s; the only thing in…
A "Salty Dog" is a cocktail of gin (or vodka) and grapefruit juice, served in a glass with a salted rim. A "Tequila Salty Dog" (or "Perro Salado") substitutes tequila…
Tequila Shrimp (or Mexican Margarita Shrimp Skewers) sounds perfectly Texan. What could be better than tequila added to shrimp from the Gulf? The dish "Tequila Shrimp" dates from 1970s…
A "tequila sour" is a cocktail that contains tequila, lemon, sugar, and crushed ice. It's a similar drink to "border buttermilk," although that drink sometimes replaces the…
It's not clear where or when the Tequila Sunrise cocktail first saw light of day, but it does date to at least 1940 -- earlier than the Margarita. Wikipedia: Tequila Sunrise (cocktail)The…
"Tequila Tuesday" is a drinking slang name for a day of the week. Tequila drinks are served on this day, often at a reduced price. "Tequila Tuesday" has been cited in print…
"TERF" is an acronym for "trans-exclusionary radical feminist." A variation of the TERF acronym is "Tired of Explaining Reality to Fools/Fuckwits." "TERF Tired of…
"TERF" is an acronym for "trans-exclusionary radical feminist." A variation of the TERF acronym is "Tired of Explaining Reality to Fools/Fuckwits." "TERF Tired of…
Entry in progress -- B.P. Wikipedia: TeriyakiTeriyaki (kanji: 照り焼き; hiragana: てりやき) is a cooking technique used in Japanese cuisine in which foods are broiled or grilled in a sweet…
14 June 2005, New York Sun, "Trampling on Term Limits" by Henry J. Stern:Twelve years after term limits for city elected officials were adopted by referendum, the City Council is making…
Grand Central Terminal (often called Grand Central Station) opened in February 1913. In January 1913, advertisements were published in national magazines for "The Terminal City." The…
Terraces on buildings are expensive luxuries. Do people really have "terrace envy"? (Not yet as famous a psychological term as "penis envy.") Do people who have terraces suffer…
St. Francis College in Brooklyn ("The small college of big dreams") has some competitive sports teams. For reasons that its website does not explain, those teams are nicknamed the…
The stock market (New York Stock Exchange) on Tuesday in the first half of 2013 had a 20-week-long streak of always entering positive territory at the end of the day. The Wall Street Journal had an…
"Terroir" is a popular wine term that is difficult to translate from the French, but means "soil" or "a sense of place." A French wine, for example, should exhibit…
A bomb exploded in a trash can at West 23rd Street, in Manhattan's Chelsea neighborhood, on September 17, 2016. The Fox News Channel's Geraldo Rivera called it "terror…
"Terroracism" (terror + racism) and "terroracist" (terror + racist) combine the undesirable qualities of a "terrorist" and a "racist" into single terms.…