Term Limits (yes, it’s an issue again)

14 June 2005, New York Sun, "Trampling on Term Limits" by Henry J. Stern:
Twelve years after term limits for city elected officials were adopted by referendum, the City Council is making its third attempt to overturn the decision of the public. This time it is a brazen attempt by the incumbents to extend the eight-year limit on their terms to 12 years, or possibly to abolish it altogether, notwithstanding two referenda that have been held on the subject.
This brings us to the present, where Manhattan Councilwoman Gale Brewer will introduce a bill, to be considered after the 2005 election, for the council to extend the two term limit to three. It is possible that others may seek to abolish term limits altogether, or cunningly wait until 2009 to change the three term limit to four.

This is the most disgraceful thing in New York City politics. The people have already spoken on term limits - more than once. Term limits are here to stay.

The city council secretly plans to discuss the issue after the election? Not now, when it's a legitimate campaign issue? Because the council members know that it's a sure loser for them?

In theory, free elections are to be favored over term limits. However, in practice, term limits guarantee new people and ideas. New York City should not be like Albany, where legislators have do-little jobs for life.

In any case, the people have spoken, and that should be it. Not only have the people spoken on this, but I have spoken on it. You can see my statement in the 1996 Voter Guide, when the city council tried to thwart the people's will the first time.

Ask every candidate for office about this and get their statements on the record. My record has been established long ago, and I'm with the people.