Tequila Salty Dog (Perro Salado)

A “Salty Dog” is a cocktail of gin (or vodka) and grapefruit juice, served in a glass with a salted rim. A “Tequila Salty Dog” (or “Perro Salado”) substitutes tequila for the gin (or vodka). It is not known who invented the cocktail, but in emerged from 2003-2005.
Recipe Zaar
Perro Salado (Tequila Salty Dog)
Recipe #134186
Submitted for Zaar World Tour 2005. This is a Tex-Mex version of the salty dog. If you have access to a sweet Texas red grapefruit, like Ruby-Sweets or Rio Stars, then it’s recommended you use it in this recipe. From a special edition of Saveur, The Best of Tex-Mex Cooking. I ordered this at a restaurant once. If you’re in the mood, you can double the tequila (hehe).
by Kumquat the Cat’s friend
1 serving
5 min 5 min prep
Change to:  servings US Metric  
1 lime, quartered
kosher salt or margarita salt
1 1/2 ounces tequila (premium white or silver) 
1 cup grapefruit juice (or more, and as per above) 
Rub a lime wedge around the rim of a tall glass, then dip rim in saucer of salt.
Fill glass 1/3 full with ice, add tequila and a squeeze of lime juice, then fill with grapefruit juice. Garnish with a wedge of lime.
31 March 2004, Sacramento (CA) Bee, pg. F1:
Anything that calls itself “the best” is certain to be setting itself up for assiduous scrutiny, if not a fall. But “The Best American Recipes 2003-2004” (Houghton Mifflin, $26) holds up well under extensive examination, and delights and entertains to boot.
...chewy butterscotch and pecan cake, even drinks such as tequila salty dog and red wine caipirinha.
thebubs17 (LiveJournal)
2005-05-28 01:44:00
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: Yup, a Perro Salado (Salty Dog) 
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From: “Bob Terwilliger”

Date: 19 Oct 2005 20:04:02 -0500
Local: Wed, Oct 19 2005 9:04 pm
Subject: Re: Salty Dog Recipe
notbob wrote:
> I prefer the liquid salty dog.  Gin and grapefruit juice in a salt
> rimmed glass.
I like it better with tequila.  Un “perro salado”?