Archive for 05/2021

COVID-911 (COVID-19 + 9/11)

The 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic disease was called COVID-19 (after the year 2019). Government-ordered shutdowns and quarantines made many people question what was going on, and some used the…

“Don’t New York my Florida”

"Don't New York my Florida" is a saying that has been printed on many images. New York is a blue state (Democrat) and Florida is mostly a red state (Republican). The message is that…

“Don’t NY my Florida”

"Don't New York my Florida" is a saying that has been printed on many images. New York is a blue state (Democrat) and Florida is mostly a red state (Republican). The message is that…

“Don’t California my Texas”

"Don't California my Texas" is a saying that has been printed on many images. California is a blue state (Democrat) and Texas is mostly a red state (Republican). The message is that…