Archive for 08/2016

“From sewer to brewer”

"From sewer to brewer" is a concept that was developed at the University of Ghent in Belgium in 2015. Waste water is processed to make beer. "From Sewer To Brewer, now let's go…

Trekathon (trek + marathon)

A "trekathon" (trek + marathon) is an extensive trek, usually up a mountain. "Trek-a-thon" has been cited in print since at least 1998. The website explained in…

“Do you want a Hurts donut?” (joke)

A popular donut oun is: PERSON A: Do you want a Hertz?Hurts donut/doughnut?PERSON B: Ummm, okay.PERSON A (hurts other person): Hurts, don't it? The joke has been cited in print since at least…

Babylon on the Make

American writer Lucius Beebe called New York City "Babylon on the make" in his column in the New York (NY) Herald Tribune on June 26, 1937. Beebe also used "Babylon on the make"…