Spornosexual (sport + porno + sexual)

“Spornosexual” (sport + porno + sexual) was coined by English journalist Mark Simpson in The Telegraph (UK) on June 10, 2014, when he wrote:
“This new wave puts the ‘sexual’ into metrosexuality. In fact, a new term is needed to describe them, these pumped-up offspring of those Ronaldo and Beckham lunch-box ads, where sport got into bed with porn while Mr Armani took pictures.
“Let’s call them ‘spornosexuals’.”

The new “spornosexual” term quickly became accepted in the men’s fashion and sports vocabularies.
Wikipedia: Mark Simpson (journalist)
Mark Simpson is an English journalist, writer, and broadcaster specialising in popular culture, media, and masculinity. Simpson is the originator of the term and concept metrosexual. He has been described by one critic as “the skinhead Oscar Wilde”.
The term metrosexual
Mark Simpson is credited with coining the term metrosexual in a 1994 article.
In 2014, Simpson proposed that the age of the metrosexual has passed and is evolving into a new kind of man called the spornosexual. Spornosexual is a neologism, also coined by Simpson, combining the words “sport,” “porn,” and “metrosexual.” It describes an aesthetic adopted by some men who consume both sports and pornography. Such men, in addition to possessing certain metrosexual attributes, carry their own bodies as accessories and are not shy at showcasing them in public. The spornosexual style emphasises heavy, lean musculature, and certain kinds of tattooing. Spornosexuals spend much money and time on physical fitness and upkeep.
Telegraph Men
The metrosexual is dead. Long live the ‘spornosexual’, says @marksimpsonist - http://www.telegraph.co.uk/men/fashion-and-style/10881682/The-metrosexual-is-dead.-Long-live-the-spornosexual.html
2:34 AM - 10 Jun 2014
The Telegraph (UK)
The metrosexual is dead. Long live the ‘spornosexual’
20 years ago, Mark Simpson coined the term ‘metrosexual’. But now a new, more extreme, sex- and body-obsessed version has emerged, he explains

By Mark Simpson
8:19AM BST 10 Jun 2014
In a development which will probably have him running to the mirror yet again to search anxiously for lines, this year the metrosexual leaves his teens and turns 20.
This new wave puts the “sexual” into metrosexuality. In fact, a new term is needed to describe them, these pumped-up offspring of those Ronaldo and Beckham lunch-box ads, where sport got into bed with porn while Mr Armani took pictures.
Let’s call them “spornosexuals”.
Daily News (New York, NY) 
What is a ‘spornosexual’? It’s the new wave of metrosexuals, journalist writes
Thursday, June 12, 2014, 12:03 PM
The new term embodies the modern day man who’s often at the gym workin’ on his fitness. He’s chiseled, tanned and hot. He prefers to spend his time, and his money, on his physical upkeep. And he doesn’t shy away from showing off his results.
Journalist Mark Simpson introduced “metrosexual” into the lexicon 20 years ago. Now, writing in the Telegraph, he said that metrosexuals are a dime a dozen — and their evolution points to spornosexuals. Now, the focus is less on the clothes, more on the bodies, which Simpson calls their “ultimate accessories.”
Austerity linked to rise of the ‘spornosexual’
The economic crisis and austerity are having an unexpected consequence: more young men striving for gym-fit, photo-perfect bodies that they use to create a social media brand.
That’s according to new research from the University of East Anglia (UEA), which suggests traditional routes to success and power have been eroded in ‘Austerity Britain’, causing young men to seek value instead through their bodies.
The term ‘spornosexuality’, a portmanteau of ‘sports star’ and ‘porn star’, was coined in July 2014 by media commentator Mark Simpson, in an article in The Daily Telegraph about the rise of men attending the gym primarily for reasons of appearance, rather than for health or fitness.
China Topix 
Spornosexuals’ are on the Rise in Britain
By Arthur Dominic Villasanta | Aug 12, 2016 03:50 AM EDT
Spornosexuals, a term coined by writer Mark Simpson, refers to men that are so obsessed with social media and selfies they pay inordinate attention to the physical attractiveness of their bodies. Think six-pack abs and chiseled bods like the one on Ronaldo.
Spornosexual, a portmanteau of sports star and porn star, denotes men that strive to look like sportsmen or porn stars. It marks the next stage in the evolution of the non-body fixated metrosexual. You might also call a spornosexual a metrosexual infatuated with his body.