“How do you do the wave at a chess match?”/“With your eyebrows.”

Sports fans in many stadiums do “the wave.” There’s a chess joke:
Q: How do chess crowds do the wave?
A: With their eyebrows.

The joke was told by American columnist and author Charles Krauthammer in 2001 and 2016.
Beauty, Truth and Hitchcock
By CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER Sunday, June 24, 2001
Know how chess crowds do the wave? guffawed a CBS newsreader. With their eyebrows. Ho, ho.
Tom Burkhardt
Because of noise restrictions, there isn’t much for rowdy fans to do at a chess match.  For that reason I will soon debut The Eyebrow Wave.
9:11 PM - 19 Jan 2012
John Grinsteiner
I read today that the crowd at a chess match does the wave with their eyebrows. #keepitclassy
7:47 PM - 31 Dec 2015
National Post (Canada)
Charles Krauthammer: Chess is not an Olympic sport. But it should be
Charles Krauthammer | August 11, 2016 | Last Updated: Aug 11 8:00 PM ET
You scoff, of course. For years, I’ve had to put up with amused puzzlement at my taste in entertainment. (Old joke: how do you do the wave at a chess match? With your eyebrows.) But I remain undaunted.