Archive for 01/2015

Superbowlian (Super Bowlian)

The Super Bowl is the National Football League's championship game. "Superbowlian" (or "Super Bowlian") -- the adjective -- reflects things about or like the Super Bowl;…

Patio Pounder (wine)

A "patio pounder" is an inexpensive-to-moderately priced wine that one can drink a lot of on a patio in the summer with some friends. "Patio pounders" can also be sold in the…

New Mediocre

The "new normal" referred to economic conditions following the 2007-08 recession and became a buzzword in 2010. International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde gave a…

“The early bird makes the coffee”

"The early bird catches the worm” is a proverb dating from at least the 17th century; it means that whoever does something first has the best chance of success. "The early bird makes…

Fuck This Shit O’Clock

"Looks like it's fuck this shit o'clock" is what a frustrated worker says in a popular ecard. "Fuck this shit o'clock" (or "I don't give a shit…