Patio Pounder (wine)

A “patio pounder” is an inexpensive-to-moderately priced wine that one can drink a lot of on a patio in the summer with some friends. “Patio pounders” can also be sold in the winter and do not necessarily have to be consumed on a patio, but the name brings forth an image nevertheless.
“Nicknamed the ‘perfect patio pounder’” was cited in print in 2008. “Patio beer” is an older and a similar term.
Seattle (WA) Times
Originally published Sunday, May 25, 2008 at 12:00 AM
In the heat of the grill, these sippers entice and refresh
I love the soft, seductive wines of summer, wines that are lighter, less tannic, higher in acid, less oaky and lower in alcohol than the weighty wines of fall and winter. Yet selecting lighter-weight red wines for summer sipping can be tricky.

By Braiden Rex-Johnson
Brandborg Vineyard and Winery 2006 OR Blanc Oregon white wine (Oregon, $14). An Alsatian-style white blend made of almost equal parts gewürztraminer, riesling and pinot gris, this highly aromatic, off-dry blend is loaded with flavors of rosewater and stone fruits backed by balanced acidity. Nicknamed the “perfect patio pounder.”
Bay View Wine Stop
By Sarah Biondich
Then I do the “Guzzler of the Month,” which is a fun, patio-pounder kind of wine
Steven King
This is your summer quafer, patio pounder, Sunday lounge wine. So refreshing.
4:37 PM - 1 May 2009
Brownstone Pinot Grigio is only $6.99 and makes for a great patio pounder.  Get it at Dee’s Wine Stop—Bay View’s wine store!
7:02 PM - 20 May 2009
Kahn’s Fine Wines & Spirits (Indianapolis, IN)
Patio Pounders Recap—Some Interesting Finds…
Posted Jun 15 2011 7:14 AM by Todd Rainer
Some of you are probably wondering what a Patio Pounder is, that’s a fair question with an easy answer.  A Patio Pounder is essentially a wine that you drink outside on the patio, on the deck, on the boat or wherever.  The other condition that a wine must meet to be deemed a Patio Pounder is that it needs to have a high ‘gulp’ factor, meaning that you almost have to stop yourself from tipping the entire bottle back and knockin’ it down!
Patio Pounder: Delicious wine on a patio with your favorite wine drinking friends w/o any agenda besides good times.
12:02 PM - 14 Aug 2011
Lawrence Lee
Patio pounder- a #wine that’s made to be consumed in high quantity…caution laziness may occur…lol
8:06 PM - 22 Sep 2011
The Hill
Stay cool with a patio pounder
By Derek M. LaVallee - 07/25/12 11:48 PM EDT
Jeff is a knowledgeable and dedicated wine hobbyist who appreciates and invests in well-crafted wines. He is also an apostle for what he calls Patio Pounders. In Jeff’s own words:
“For me, Patio Pounders are any relatively inexpensive but tasty wine that complements impromptu backyard gatherings that are the highlight of our short Wisconsin summers. What might start as one or two people reading on the deck can quickly morph into 10-15 folks of all ages enjoying the pool, playing some bocce or sitting around a warm bonfire. A Patio Pounder is a wine that you can grab without hesitation because it tastes good (never something you might need to apologize for) but isn’t so special that it becomes a distraction.”
Dallas (TX) Observer
The Beer We Liked and the Beer We Didn’t from Big Texas Beer Fest
By Steven Harrell Tue., Apr. 8 2014 at 4:00 PM
Cedar Creek Brewery’s Lawn Ranger Cream Ale
I once had a boss who, during tasting with a French winemaker visiting Dallas on a promotions tour, made America proud when he declared that this particular Chenin Blanc was “a real patio pounder.” I still laugh when I remember how the accented Frenchman asked, “And what is a pah-tee-yo pun-dair?” Lawn Ranger Cream Ale is a patio pounder of the highest order. Sweet, clean, crisp, delicious. I’d like seven more, please.