“Feedback is the breakfast is champions”

“Feedback is the breakfast of champions” is a popular business saying that was coined in the bestselling book The One Minute Manager (1981) by Kenneth H. Blanchard and Spencer Johnson. The importance of feedback quickly became a business axiom.
A Huffington Post article in January 2015 added that “good, immediate feedback” is the breakfast of champions.
Wikipedia: The One Minute Manager
The One Minute Manager, a book by Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson. According to Blanchard’s website, it has sold more than 13 million copies and has been translated into 37 languages.
The brief volume tells a story, recounting three techniques of an effective manager: one-minute goals, one-minute praisings and one-minute reprimands. Each of these takes only a minute but is purportedly of lasting benefit.
Google Books
The One Minute Manager:
How to give yourself and others the “gift” of getting greater results in less time

By Kenneth H. Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
Escondido, CA: Blanchard-Johnson Publishers
Pg. 68:
In fact, we have another saying here that’s worth noting:
Feedback is the Breakfast of Champions.
Google News Archive
9 September 1984, Deseret News (Salt Lake City, UT), “The Game of Work: Principles that lead to motivation at play can be applied in work place” by Chuck Coonradt, pg. 2M, col. 2:
Feedback is the breakfast of champions. People who want to get ahead, who want to win, who want to improve and get the job done — these people want feedback.
Google News Archive
22 February 1987, The Day (NewLondon, CT) , “Management style forces creativity” by Karen Markin, pg. D1, col. 4:
“Feedback is the breakfast of champions,” said Ms. Pietila, reciting a popular business-school axiom.
Google News Archive
23 April 1994, News Straits Times (Malaysia), “Covey’s total quality” by Stephen R. Covey, sec. 7, pg. 1, col. 2:
Many business executives lack the internal security to seek and take feedback from stakeholders—they are threatened by it. And yet feedback is the breakfast, lunch and dinner of champions. Champions are continuously getting feedback, and then listen and learn from it. They use it to improve their performance day to day.
Dharmesh Shah
Critical feedback is the breakfast of champions.  Defensiveness is the dinner of losers.
6:11 PM - 24 Apr 2014
The Huffington Post
Rajesh Setty (Serial entrepreneur)
Three Ways to Get Good, Immediate Feedback
Posted: 01/25/2015 11:25 pm EST
There is an old saying - “feedback is the breakfast of champions.” I would make a small change. In my version, it would be - “good feedback is the breakfast of champions.” The only thing that would ace this is “good, immediate feedback.”
Good, immediate feedback is what is used in games and gamification engines to get people to engage (and in extreme cases, get addicted)