Archive for 09/2013

“Fries before guys”

"Fries before guys" is a jocular food saying that has been printed on many images. "#uknowuracravenwhen you changed the saying 'chicks before dicks' to 'fries before…

Icing the Kicker (football strategy)

Entry in progress -- B.P. Wikipedia: Icing the kickerIn the sport of American football or Canadian football, the act of icing the kicker or freezing the kicker is a tactic employed by defending…

WTF (Where’s The Food)

The initials "WTF" usually stand for "What The Fuck." "WTF" (Where's The Food)" is a jocular variation on the letters that has been printed on many gift…


"Winespeak" is the specialized language used in the wine industry. "Winespeak" can involve a technical term (such as "foxy," from "fox grapes") or a lengthy…

Jockularity (jock + jocularity)

"Jockularity" (jock + jocularity) is humor involving sports jocks (athletes). "Or to create a new word, they did not accept their stereotyped role (the dumb athlete -- ed.) with…