“B.C. stands for ‘Before Coffee’”

“B.C. stands for ‘Before Coffee’” is a jocular saying that coffee lovers have even printed on a poster. “Although historians deny it, the acronym B.C. stands for ‘before coffee’” was cited on Twitter on October 9, 2012.
“Although historians deny it, the acronym B.C. stands for “before coffee” - @lishnaa http://tmblr.co/ZQtfsxV03ksB
11:25 PM - 9 Oct 12
I finally understand what “B.C.” stands for…. Before Coffee #Cliche #Generic #OhWell
4:31 AM - 12 Nov 12
B.C. stands for “Before Coffee” – A Meme By Mudslingers Coffee in Sycamore, IL
Posted by admin on May 6th, 2013
We found another great saying online and we completely agree!
Krissy Mae Cagney
No matter what historians claim, I firmly believe that “BC” stands for “Before Coffee”
8:06 AM - 8 Jul 13 from Huntington Beach, CA
The Morning Text
August 5, 2013
Good Morning everyone. I cannot express in words how important coffee is and how much I love it. Coffee is what makes getting up worth it. It is inhumane, in my opinion, to force people who have a genuine medical need for coffee to wait in line behind people who apparently view it as some kind of recreational activity. I think that B.C. actually stands for Before Coffee.