Archive for 01/2011

Bacon and Eggs

"Bacon and eggs" is one of the most popular breakfast dishes in America. The United States got this breakfast tradition from England, where "bacon and eggs" as a breakfast dish…

“Bring home the bacon”

"Bring home the bacon" means that a wage earner (such as a husband) supports a family by bringing home money, food (not always "bacon"), etc. Someone who "brings home the…

“Goose is cooked”

To say that "one's goose is cooked" means that a person is in trouble (such as overwhelming debt or other problems) that can't be escaped. The term "gone goose,"…

Snackrifice (snack + sacrifice)

"Snackrifice" (snack + sacrifice) is the sacrifice of a snack (because of dietary or other concerns). The term "snackrifice" was popularized in 2009 in a trademarked ad campaign…

“Never eat more than you can lift”

Entry in progress -- B.P. Wikipedia: Miss PiggyMiss Piggy is a Muppet character who was primarily played by Frank Oz on The Muppet Show. In 2001, Eric Jacobson began performing the role, although…