“Moses had the first tablet that could connect to the cloud”
According to the Bible, God (in a cloud) gave Moses the tablets of the Ten Commandments. This had nothing to do with cloud computing, but there have been several jokes. "I thought Moses…
According to the Bible, God (in a cloud) gave Moses the tablets of the Ten Commandments. This had nothing to do with cloud computing, but there have been several jokes. "I thought Moses…
"I don't care what people think of me. At least mosquitoes find me attractive" is a saying that has been printed on many images. That is, by "find me attractive" it's…
"Offal" sounds like "awful," and "plane awful" sounds like "plain offal." There are jokes. "How have you survived the airline food? I've heard…
The "Federal Reserve" ("the Fed") is the central banking system of the United States. It should not be confused with a "national reserve" (a national park), but the…
The New Yorker magazine, in "Talk of the Town" on June 9, 1986, printed an anonymous passage titled "Anarchy Without Malice": "Most bicyclists in New York City obey…
Jenga is a game where players take turns removing one block at a time from a tower of 54 blocks. If the tower collapses, that player "loses" and the other players "win."…
To call someone a "clown" is usually derogatory. This was posted on X/Twitter by "Cohen is a ghost" on December 12, 2013, and this received over 136,000 likes: "most…
It's often said that the most dangerous place to be in the world is between a politician and a camera (or a microphone). You'll get crushed! U.S. Senator Bob Dole (R-Kansas) said in 1995…
It's often said that the most dangerous place to be in the world is between a politician and a camera (or a microphone). You'll get crushed! U.S. Senator Bob Dole (R-Kansas) said in 1995…
"Most Effective Devil In America" is a backronym (back acronym) of the word "media" that has been printed on many images. "M.E.D.I.A- Most Effective Devil In America"…
Shrove Tuesday is often celebrated by eating pancakes, and it's called Pancake Day in the United Kingdom. There was no Saint Pancake, but there are jokes. "Happy St. Pancake's…
Entry in progress -- B.P. TwitterOfentse Mogotsi@Fentselite_Meetings belong in bored rooms. #LiteHumor8:31 AM - 16 Mar 2012 Twitterdrewtarvin@drewtarvinMost meetings take place in bored rooms.11:43…
Many clothes are made in poor countries and not in the United States. "Isn't it funny how our clothes have been to countries/places we've never been to? xD" was posted on…
Andy Rooney (1919-2011) was a humorist who had a syndicated newspaper column and who made video essays for the popular 60 Minutes television program. Rooney wrote in a May 1981 newspaper column:…
"Most orchestras are just 1800s cover bands" is a jocular orchestra saying that has been printed on several images. " If you think about it, most orchestras are mainly cover…
What happens to turkeys that the president of the United States pardons for Thanksgiving? "I fear the turkey pardoning sets a bad precedent. What's the turkey recidivism rate since the…
"Part time jobs be wanting full time availability smh" was posted on Twitter by #fullstoP on January 21, 2012. "Part time jobs be wanting you to have full time availability" was…
"Fusilli" pasta sounds like "few silly." "Most Pasta shapes are sensible, but there are a fusilli" was posted on the newsgroup alt.humor.puns on November 10, 2003.…
"Most people are assholes. Don't believe me? Next time you see a group of people, yell out, 'Hey, asshole!' They'll turn and look" is a jocular saying that has been…
A personal and a business adage holds that one should never tell people your troubles because "half don't care about your problems and the rest are glad that you have them."…