“Moon Pies are just cold s’mores”
Moon Pies have been compared to s'mores. "Moon pies are uncooked smores" was posted on Twitter by Millie M on May 19, 2009. "Moon Pies are just uncooked s'mores" was…
Moon Pies have been compared to s'mores. "Moon pies are uncooked smores" was posted on Twitter by Millie M on May 19, 2009. "Moon Pies are just uncooked s'mores" was…
Moon Pies have been compared to s'mores. "Moon pies are uncooked smores" was posted on Twitter by Millie M on May 19, 2009. "Moon Pies are just uncooked s'mores" was…
"Moon River" was written by Henry Mancini (music) and Johnny Mercer (lyrics) for the film Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961). The film was based on a short story by Truman Capote and it…
The "moose on the table" is similar to the "elephant in the room" -- a big or a difficult problem that no one seems to acknowledge and attempt to tackle. The expression has been…
"Morality is doing what is right, regardless of what you are told. Obedience/Religion is doing what you are told, regardless of what is right" is a saying that has been printed on many…
David Packard (1912-1996), a co-founder with William Hewlett of Hewlett Packard (1939), didn't like costly acquisitions and believed that his company should stay focused. Packard wrote in The…
A joke appeared in the Chicago (IL) Record-Herald in 1901: "There are only two kinds of cooks.""For instance?""Those who can't cook and will cook -- and those who can…
It's been said that at the racetrack there are "more horses' asses than horses." The phrase applies to many other situations as well and is of unknown origin. Some websites have…
Emigrant Savings Bank started in 1850 and is New York's oldest savings bank. "More Money For Your Money" is its not-too-well-advertised slogan.…
"More money has been lost reaching for yield than at the point of a gun" is a popular financial quote that was said by Raymond F. DeVoe, Jr., of Legg Mason Wood Walker Inc., in February…
Football before 1940 was less popular than baseball and was mostly played on the college level. The National Football League (NFL) was formed in 1920 as the American Professional Football…
"More powerful than the will to win is the courage to begin" is a saying that has been printed on posters. "More powerful than the will to win is the courage to begin" has been…
The Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) operates the subways and buses in New York City. The Daily News (New York, NY) front page headline on January 31, 2019, provided a nickname:…
A driver passing through a school zone spends the most time looking...at the speedometer? "I was paying so much attention to my speedometer in a school zone that I ran over a kid. Sorry…
A driver passing through a school zone spends the most time looking...at the speedometer? "I was paying so much attention to my speedometer in a school zone that I ran over a kid. Sorry…
"Morning forecast: Slightly exhausted with 100% chance of needing coffee. Scattered sarcastic comments throughout the afternoon" is a jocular saying that has been printed on many images.…
"Morning has broken; Mr. Coffee has spoken" is a saying that has appeared on posters. "Morning Has Broken" is a classic song that was popularized by Cat Stevens in 1971. The…
"Morning sex. Proven to be more effective than coffee" is a jocular saying that has been printed on many images. "Morning sex is way more effective than coffee!" was posted on…
People often get stuck in traffic on the way to work. "Traffic is depressing. It's just waiting in line to go to work" was posted on Twitter by Jebb Sinclair on September 7, 2013.…
"Mornings are for coffee and contemplation" is a saying that has been printed on many images. "Evenings are for coffee and contemplation" is a variation. In the American science…