Alphebetical for "m"

MSDNC (MSNBC nickname)

The MSNBC network (headquartered in Rockefeller Center in Manhattan) has often been cited for liberal bias. The nickname "MSDNC" (MSNBC + DNC) is used by those who believe the network is…

MSLGBT (MSNBC nickname)

The MSNBC network (headquartered in Rockefeller Center in Manhattan) is known for its progressive slant on political issues. The nickname “MSLGBT” (MSNBC + LGBT) is used by those who believe…

MSLSD (MSNBC nickname)

The MSNBC network (headquartered in Rockefeller Center in Manhattan) has often been cited for liberal bias. The nickname "MSLSD" (MSNBC + LSD, a psychedelic drug) is used by those who…

MSNBC White (CNN nickname)

CNN is a U.S. cable news channel that was founded in 1980. The blog Ace of Spades HQ nicknamed CNN as "MSNBC White" (after MSNBC, the progressive political news and opinion channel)…

MSNBS (MSNBC nickname)

The MSNBC network (headquartered in Rockefeller Center in Manhattan) has often been cited for liberal bias. The nickname “MSNBS” (MSNBC + BS) is sometimes used by the political right who…

MSNPC (MSNBC nickname)

The MSNBC network (headquartered in Rockefeller Center in Manhattan) is known for its progressive slant on political issues. MSNBC has been called "MSNPC" for two reasons, depending on…

MTA; MetroCard

The MTA (Metropolitan Transportation Authority) has quickly been getting a bad reputation for high fares and poor service. This has created some uncomplimentary nicknames. "MetroCard" was…

Muddy Buddies (cereal snack)

"Puppy chow" is a snack where Chex or Crispix cereal is coated with melted chocolate and peanut butter, and then dusted with powdered sugar. The name comes from when the Ralston Purina…