“I know it’s cheesy, but I feel grate”
"I know it's cheesy, but I feel grate" is a pun-filled saying that has been printed on several images, usually with a picture of a cheese grater. The saying was posted on Twitter on…
"I know it's cheesy, but I feel grate" is a pun-filled saying that has been printed on several images, usually with a picture of a cheese grater. The saying was posted on Twitter on…
A classic political story involves a loaded political question. A politician tells his campaign manager to spread the rumor that an opponent has sex with pigs. "We can't do that. It…
Many people place a handbag on the empty passenger seat of a car. "I know it’s time to clean out my purse when my car assumes it’s a second passenger who’s not wearing their…
"ATM" can stand for "Automated Teller Machine," but it can also mean "At The Moment." "I was gonna tweet a joke about a bank but I just can't think of one…
"I bet my mom looks at my posts and thinks, 'I did all that I could'" is a social media saying that has been printed on many images.. "I know my mom looking at my posts…
Sign language is not a spoken language. A joke was posted on AskReddit on July 9, 2020: "I know several jokes in sign language. I guarantee nobody has ever heard them." Reddit --…
"I know she ate a worm, but we are not here to debate de bait deb ate" is a silly saying that has been printed on several images. "look, i know she ate a worm but we are not here to…
Most people don't like to pay taxes, but they want to comply. "I know they didn't ask for it, but I sent a stool sample in with my late tax return" was posted on Facebook by…
You shouldn't text while driving. Texting before driving is a different story. A joke is: "I know you shouldn't text and drive but I've only had 2-3 texts tonight, tops, so I…
"I laugh stuff off cause prison don't serve tequila" is a saying that has been printed on many images. That is, if the speaker were to real true thoughts on social media, it would…
It's an old proverb that people should learn from the mistakes of other people. "I learn from the mistakes of people who take/took my advice" is a jocular saying that has been…
It's an old proverb that people should learn from the mistakes of other people. "I learn from the mistakes of people who take/took my advice" is a jocular saying that has been…
"I leave homework to the last day because I'll be older and therefore wiser" is a jocular saying that has been printed on posters and ecards. The joke was first cited on Twitter on…
The Pledge of Allegiance of the United States has been recited by millions of school children, and many of them say the wrong words. These mishearings or misinterpretations are called…
"I Left My Heart In San Francisco" was written in 1953 by George Cory (music) and Douglass Cross (lyrics) in Brooklyn, NY, when they had moved to New York City but were nostalgic for San…
Many people wonder why a self-cleaning over can't clean the rest of the kitchen, or the rest of the house. "Why hasn't anyone taken the idea of 'self-cleaning oven' and…
"I legit only drink water, coffee or alcohol. I’m either hydrated, drunk or jittery" is a saying that has been printed on many images. "I legit only drink water, coffee or alcohol.…
"I legit only drink water, coffee or alcohol. I’m either hydrated, drunk or jittery" is a saying that has been printed on many images. "I legit only drink water, coffee or alcohol.…
"I legit only drink water, coffee or alcohol. I’m either hydrated, drunk or jittery" is a saying that has been printed on many images. "I legit only drink water, coffee or alcohol.…
"I legit only drink water, coffee or alcohol. I’m either hydrated, drunk or jittery" is a saying that has been printed on many images. "I legit only drink water, coffee or alcohol.…