Bubbaland or Bubba-land or Bubbaville or Deep Bubba (South Austin)
"Bubba" is a form of the word "brother." While there are "Bubbas" throughout the South (some have called Arkansas's Bill Clinton "Bubba"), the term…
"Bubba" is a form of the word "brother." While there are "Bubbas" throughout the South (some have called Arkansas's Bill Clinton "Bubba"), the term…
Chicken soup, according to some Jewish grandmothers, can cure what ails you. The nickname "Jewish penicillin" has been used for chicken soup since the 1960s. Chicken soup is also called…
"Bubble dancing" is a humorous term for dishwashing (and its soap bubbles) that developed among soldiers in 1941; a person who washes the dishes is a "bubble dancer." The…
"Bubblecovery" (a bubble-driven recovery) is a term that was was coined by American economic analyst Jesse Colombo in May 2012. The U.S. Federal Reserve led the "recovery" from…
"Bubblenomics" (bubble + economics) is the economics of a financial bubble (when prices are inflated). "The Story of Bubblenomics" (1999), a paper presentation by William A.…
The financial television network CNBC has often been criticized for cheerleading its viewers into buying stocks, which helps to create a stock bubble. Bill Fleckenstein of Fleckenstein Capital…
The Indian Point Energy Center at Buchanan, New York, has frequently been called a "Chernobyl on the Hudson (River)." The Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in the Ukraine had a disaster in…
The Indian Point Energy Center at Buchanan, New York, has frequently been called a "Fukushima on the Hudson (River)." An energy accident occurred at the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant in…
A "buck nun" is an old West term (cowboy slang) for a bachelor. One source below states that a "stud horse" is an opposite term. (Dictionary of American Regional English)buck…
A "buckle" dessert is similar to a coffee cake, made with fruit (most often blueberry, but also blackberry, raspberry, and peach) and with a topping that "buckles" when…
Conservative author and commentator William F. Buckley (1925-2008) was asked, in 1967, whom he would support in 1968 for U.S. president. Buckley responded with what would late be called the…
A "buckraker" (buck + muckraker) originally referred to a muckraking journalist who raked in bucks through speaking engagements, books and other sources. "Buckraker" also refers…
"Bucktown" is a hip-hop term for Brownsville, Brooklyn or the entire borough of Brooklyn. Maybe Brownsville receives lots of "buckshot." Urban Dictionary bucktownBrooklyn, NYC.…
When recreational marijuana became legal in states, the traditional "bed and breakfast" became a "bud and breakfast," with marijuana part of the appeal. ""We are going…
The city of Buda (a growing suburb of Austin, the Texas state capital) has a disputed origin of its name. It had long been thought that "Buda" was a corruption of the Spanish word…
"Buddha Jumps Over the Wall/Fence" or "Buddha's Temptation" (fó tiào qiáng) is a dish from China's Fujian province that supposedly is so tempting that a fasting…
Some -- but certainly not all -- Buddhists have a vegetarian diet. A Chinese dish is "Buddha's Delight" (sometimes "Buddha Delight") or "Buddhist Delight"…
A budget is often cut by, metaphorically, "axing" workers and expenses. The budget axe (or "ax") has been cited in print since at least 1911. Budget cutting since 1960 has often…
Entry in progress -- B.P. Wiktionary: BuffaloEtymologyProbably from buffalo (Bison bison), since both cities are in regions that had wild herds at the time the names originated. Buffalo, New York…
One of the first "sundaes" (in print several times in 1902) appears to have been the "Buffalo sundae." The city of Buffalo is located in upstate New York, near Ithaca (where the…