Alphebetical for "b"

Burger (from “hamburger”)

"Burger" is a shortened form of "hamburger." Ben Zimmer of the Oxford English Dictionary found the following early citations from Penn State. Penn State Collegian22 July 1926,…

Burger King Kids

An executive at JPMorgan Chase & Company dubbed some of his young new hires "Burger King kids" (after the fast food restaurant), according to the New York (NY) Times of October 13,…


Entry in progress -- B.P. WIkipedia: BurritoA burrito (IPA: /bəˈriːto/), or taco de harina, is a type of food found in Mexican and Tex-Mex cuisine. It consists of a flour tortilla wrapped or…

Bus (slang term for ambulance)

"Bus" is a slang term for "ambulance" that dates to before World War I. (Random House Historical Dictionary of American Slang, Vol. I A-G)bus n.(...)2. an automobile or other…

Bus Festival

The New York Transit Museum hosts an annual "Bus Festival." It's very moving. York Transit Museum12th Annual Bus FestivalCelebrating a Century…

Bush League

The baseball terms "major league" and "big league" refer to the top professional league; these terms have been used outside of baseball as well, with a similar meaning.…