Bubblecovery (bubble + recovery)

“Bubblecovery” (a bubble-driven recovery) is a term that was was coined by American economic analyst Jesse Colombo in May 2012. The U.S. Federal Reserve led the “recovery” from the financial crisis of 2008 by slashing interest rates and by printing money, creating a financial “bubble.”
Wikipedia: Jesse Colombo
Jesse Colombo (born December 7, 1985) is a French-born American independent economic analyst, investor and Forbes contributor who has worked as an anti-economic bubble activist since 2004.
In October 2008, at age 22, Jesse was recognized by the The London Times for predicting and warning about the U.S. housing and credit bubble starting in early 2004, and how it would lead to a serious financial crisis, including a stock market crash, when it popped.
The Bubble Bubble
Principles of the Post-2009 “Bubblecovery”
By Jesse Colombo
The dual shocks of the Dot-com bubble’s dramatic collapse in the early-2000s and the September 11th terrorist attacks caused the U.S. economy to fall into a recession. Though the recession officially ended in November 2001, the employment recovery took approximately twice as long as employment recoveries since 1948, earning it the moniker, “The Jobless Recovery.” In a panic, the U.S. Federal Reserve slashed interest rates from 6.5% to 1%, a four-decade low, inflating a housing and banking bubble in the process. This new bubble became a powerful driver of economic growth by mid-2004, creating jobs for construction workers, realtors and mortgage bankers, finally stopping “Jobless Recovery” concerns dead in its tracks. While the economic recovery and its newly-created jobs appeared to be completely genuine according to conventional economic wisdom, it was really what I call a “bubblecovery” or bubble-driven recovery spurred by cheap credit, which has an uncanny tendency of flowing into temporary growth-generating speculative endeavors and malinvestment. When the Federal Reserve raised interest rates to slow inflation, it inadvertently popped the housing bubble and crushed economic growth, proving that both largely owed their existence to ultra-cheap credit.
Financial Times Lexicon
A bubblecovery is a term coined by financial blogger Jesse Colombo to describe what he calls a bubble-driven economic recovery spurred by cheap credit. He says the cheap credit has a tendency to flow into temporary growth-generating speculative endeavours.
Jesse Colombo
Read how a German housing bubble may create a temporary Eurozone econ-recovery (what I call a “bubblecovery”): http://goo.gl/Jed6b
9:24 PM - 9 May 12
Jesse Colombo
The “recovery” from the Great Recession is what I call a “bubblecovery” - a recovery based on growing bubbles that temporarily boost growth.
11:01 AM - 12 May 12
Don Curren
“Bubblecovery”- coined by blogger Jesse Colombo, refers to a bubble-driven recovery spurred by cheap credit. FT http://on.ft.com/1a6wwEz
7:39 AM - 19 Sep 13
9/27/2013 @ 4:14PM
Bubblecovery: Why Our Economic Recovery Is Actually An Illusion
By Jesse Colombo
As global stock and housing prices continue to climb, an increasing number of people are becoming “true believers” in the economic recovery. But what if the recovery is really a “Bubblecovery”?
Bubblecovery is a term that I coined to describe a bubble-driven economic recovery. According to my research, growing post-2009 economic bubbles are helping to foster an illusion of economic healing by creating temporary economic growth, new jobs, and rising asset prices.