Welcome to New York & New York Hello
"Welcome to New York" (or "New York Hello") can be a sincere greeting or a warning of the horrors to come. The sarcastic version probably comes from the army or the National…
Investigating the origins of American words, names, quotations and phrases. Over 38,000 entries.
"Welcome to New York" (or "New York Hello") can be a sincere greeting or a warning of the horrors to come. The sarcastic version probably comes from the army or the National…
New York City has been called an "urban jungle" and a "concrete jungle" and an "asphalt jungle." These terms have been applied to other cities as well. The Asphalt…
"Haircuts for New Yorkers" is, perhaps, not the most thrilling of hair salon slogans. Dramatics NYC has also used "Wash, Cut and Entertainment."…
A "mitzvah mobile" or "mitzvah tank" was started by Brooklyn's Lubavitch sect of ultra-Orthodox Jews in the 1970s. The mobile vans comb the streets for lapsed Jews and try…
Three Kings Day is celebrated on January 6th in Spanish communities. The annual Three Kings Day Parade is run by El Museo del Barrio. http://www.elmuseo.org/Three Kings' Day ParadeOn Friday,…
The "Upper West Fest" was inaugurated in 2006 and figures to be an annual event. It takes place on the Upper West Side of Manhattan and is being promoted by Symphony Space.…
The NYC Volunteer Expo was a success in 2005 and may become an annual event. www.nycvolunteerexpo.orgThe NYC Volunteer Expo is a program run through the Manhattan Chamber of Commerce Community…
The first New York Culinary Festival (May 19-21, 2006) looks to herald an annual event. http://www.nyculinaryfestival.com/What is the New York Culinary Festival?It is a celebration of New York City…
Pier 94 is on the west side of Manhattan, at 54th Street. It used to be a garage, but since 1998 it has been the "UnConvention Center," a mini-Javits Convention Center.…
Scotland has been late to the New York City list of ethnic parades. The first "Tartan Day Parade" was held only recently, in 1999. Certainly, it's no match for the traditional St.…
The New York Open Judo Championship has been an annual event since the 1980s. Judo is not a major sport in America, and the event has generated modest interest. http://www.judonyc.com/typo3/Welcome…
The Brooklyn Botanic Garden's Cherry Blossom Festival has been a popular event since its beginning in 1982. It's been a New York "rite of spring" for the past quarter-century.…
The Greater New York Orchid Show has been held annually (since 1982) by the Greater New York Orchid Society. The event had been held at the New York Botanical Garden in the Bronx, but recently it…
Cookie's is "The Kids' Department Store." Cookie's has been around since 1975 and has stores in several boroughs. Cookie's has a large business in school uniforms.…
The Metropolitan College of New York (MCNY) began as the Audrey Cohen College in 1964. Its slogan is "Education That Works," or "Education That Works for People Who Work."…
The first Green Apple Music & Arts Festival on April 20-23, 2006 is advertised as "America's Largest Earth Day Event." It may be an annual festival.…
The Boat Show (now called the New York National Boat Show) is one of New York's longest traditions. It's slight younger than the "Auto Show," but both are over 100 years old.…
The New York Auto Show (now the New York International Auto Show) began in Madison Square Garden in the 19th century as "The Bicycle and Automobile Show." It remains one of New…
New York City now has "pay-and-display" parking systems, but they originated in England. (Oxford English Dictionary)pay-and-display Brit., designating, relating to, or operating a system…
"Sternie" can mean several things in New York City. First, a "Sternie" can be a fan of radio "shock jock" Howard Stern. Stern was born in the New York City area and…