Transportation (Second Avenue Subway; Lower Manhattan link to JFK)

The next most important issue, after the community boards and land use, on the Manhattan borough president's plate is transportation. Here's what the other candidates say:
The East Side of Manhattan needs a 2nd Avenue Subway and if we are going to develop the Far West Side sensibly and include housing we will need to expand rail access to that area. Even though City transit carries 84% of statewide riders, New York City gets only 63% of state aid — a difference of $350 million.
An active member of the Council's Transportation Committee, Eva has pushed for the realization of the 2 nd Avenue Subway line and the extension of the 7 train.
Based on the Transportation Study conducted by New York University, I will advocate on behalf of direct links from Lower Manhattan to JFK, Newark, and LaGuardia airports, increased ferry service, the construction of a 2nd Avenue subway line, connecting the LIRR to Grand Central, a new trans-Hudson rail tunnel to Penn Station from New Jersey, and rail access from Long Island, Brooklyn and Queens to lower Manhattan.

The long, half-century delay of the Second Avenue Subway project is an embarrassment to Manhattan. I am from Rockland County, where the commuter tax died over political one-upsmanship for Albany's sake. I will try to revive that tax and use it to pay for the Second Avenue Subway. I cannot guarantee success, but I will try harder than anyone else.

The second most important transportation issue is the proposed light rail link from lower Manhattan to JFK. This will revitalize lower Manhattan as a place to live and work. It's very important to use 9-11 funds here.

The extension of the 7 subway line to the west side is expensive. It's certainly needed, but if there's no west side stadium, it's a much lower transportation priority.

We'll all work for the other things: more ferry service, cleaner subways, updated technology, better handicap access to transportation, more bike paths, and cleaner-running vehicles. It's my promise to work harder on the bigger issues here that sets me apart.