“Well what a fucking year this week has been”
"What a year this week has been" has been printed on many images. "Well what a fucking year this week has been" has also been printed on many images. The saying is popular on…
"What a year this week has been" has been printed on many images. "Well what a fucking year this week has been" has also been printed on many images. The saying is popular on…
"Went outside today. It was cold and there were people. Zero stars. Do not recommend" (or "I went outside today, it was cold and there were people. Zero stars. Do not recommend…
"Wets as an otter's pocket" (or "Wetter than an otter's pocket") is a saying that has been printed on many images. "You're as wet as an otter" was…
"Wets as an otter's pocket" (or "Wetter than an otter's pocket") is a saying that has been printed on many images. "You're as wet as an otter" was…
"What a year this week has been" has been printed on many images. "Well what a fucking year this week has been" has also been printed on many images. The saying is popular on…
A riddle about the days of the week has been cited in print since at least 1855: Q: What is the strongest day of the week?A: Sunday. All of the rest are "weak" days. Saturday later joined…
A winter riddle is: Q: What athlete is warmest in winter?A: A long jumper. The riddle has been cited in print since at least 2002. 24 December 2002, Evening Standard (London, UK), "Heard the…
A March 4th ("March fourth"/"march forth") riddle is: Q: What date is also a command?A: March 4th. The joke has been cited in print since at least 1993. Google BooksGotcha!…
A New Year's Eve riddle is: Q: What did Adam say the day before New Year's (December 31st)?A: "Happy/It's New Year's, Eve." "What did Adam say to Eve on December…
A New Year's Eve riddle is: Q: What did Adam say the day before New Year's (December 31st)?A: "Happy/It's New Year's, Eve." "What did Adam say to Eve on December…
"Time flies when you're having fun" is a popular saying. A joke transposing words is: Q: What did one frog say to the other?A: Time's sure fun when you're having flies. The…
"Top of the morning!" is a morning greeting. A St. Patrick's Day riddle is: Q: What did one Irish ghost say to the other?A: "Top of the moaning!" The joke has been cited in…
"Two's company, three's a crowd" is an old saying. A rain riddle is: Q: What did one raindrop to another raindrop?A: "Two's company but three's a cloud." The…
"Reindeer" sounds like "rain, dear." ""Santa Claus is welcome but I do not want to see the rain dear" was printed in an 1888 newspaper. "Why does Santa Claus…
"Tocking" can sound like "talking." A clock riddle was posted on Twitter by bear emoji on October 21, 2015: Q: What did the clock say to the other clock? A: "Nice tocking…
"Tocking" can sound like "talking." A clock riddle was posted on Twitter by bear emoji on October 21, 2015: Q: What did the clock say to the other clock? A: "Nice tocking…
A clock riddle is: Q: What did the digital clock say to the analog clock?A: Look, no hands! The joke has been cited in print since at least 2009. “What did the digital clock say to the…
An analog clock has "hands," but a digital clock doesn't. A riddle has been cited in print since at least 1974: Q: What did the digital clock say to its mother?A: Look, ma! No hands!…
A hurricane riddle has been printed on many images: Q: What did the hurricane say to the coconut palm tree?A: "Hold on to your nuts, this is no ordinary blow job!" "Q. What did the…
A hurricane riddle is: Q: What did the hurricane say to the other hurricane?A: "I've got my eye on you!" "What did the hurricane say to the island? I've got my eye on…