“Wednesday is Latin for ‘it’s almost Friday’”
"Wednesday is Latin for '(it's) almost Friday'" is a jocular saying that has been printed on several images. "Wednesday is Latin for only one more shitty day til…
"Wednesday is Latin for '(it's) almost Friday'" is a jocular saying that has been printed on several images. "Wednesday is Latin for only one more shitty day til…
"Wednesday is like small Friday" is a saying that has been printed on an image. "The Wednesday is a small Friday" was posted on the newsgroup soc.penpals on December 8, 1997.…
"Wednesday is like the middle finger of the week" is a Wednesday saying that has been printed on many images. "RT: @JeremyLeeAsh: Wednesday is kinda like the middle finger of the…
"Hump Day: not as depressing as Monday, not as exciting as Friday" (also "Wednesday: not as depressing as Monday, not as exciting as Friday” and "Hump Day Wednesday: not as…
"Wednesdays are like Mondays in the middle of the week!" is a saying that has been printed on many images. The saying is usually credited to British producer and actor Lee Fox Williams.…
"Wednesday is like the middle finger of the week" is a Wednesday saying that has been printed on many images. "RT: @JeremyLeeAsh: Wednesday is kinda like the middle finger of the…
"Wednesdays will always bring smiles for the second half of the week" is a Wednesday saying that has been printed on many images. "'Wednesdays will always bring smiles for the…
"Weekend Forecast: Mostly drunk with a chance of horny" is a jocular saying that has been printed on many images. It's not a weather forecast but a weekend events forecast.…
"weekends are a scam, you spend one day exhausted and the other day anxious like wtf is that" is a saying that has been printed on many images. "weekends are a scam, you spend one…
Weekends often seem to go by quickly. "Weekends used to feel like mini vacations. Now they feel like the minute boxers get between rounds" is a saying that has been printed on an image.…
"Welcome APRIL Wishing you a wonderful month filled with love & happiness. FIONAChilds.com" (shown on an image) was posted on Facebook on Changathikoottam on March 31, 2014.…
"Welcome to spring, where no matter what jacket you pick, you're wrong" is a jocular saying that has been printed on an image. "WELCOME TO SPRING WHERE NO MATTER WHAT JACKET YOU…
"Welcome to spring, where no matter what jacket you pick, you're wrong" is a jocular saying that has been printed on an image. "WELCOME TO SPRING WHERE NO MATTER WHAT JACKET YOU…
"Well slap me silly and call me Darlin', it's Friday!" is a Friday saying that has been printed on many images. Similar sayings are in this Slate article, "Butter My Butt…
"What a year this week has been" has been printed on many images. "Well what a fucking year this week has been" has also been printed on many images. The saying is popular on…
"Went outside today. It was cold and there were people. Zero stars. Do not recommend" (or "I went outside today, it was cold and there were people. Zero stars. Do not recommend…
"Wets as an otter's pocket" (or "Wetter than an otter's pocket") is a saying that has been printed on many images. "You're as wet as an otter" was…
"Wets as an otter's pocket" (or "Wetter than an otter's pocket") is a saying that has been printed on many images. "You're as wet as an otter" was…
"What a year this week has been" has been printed on many images. "Well what a fucking year this week has been" has also been printed on many images. The saying is popular on…
A riddle about the days of the week has been cited in print since at least 1855: Q: What is the strongest day of the week?A: Sunday. All of the rest are "weak" days. Saturday later joined…