“The two happiest days in a time traveler’s life…” (joke)
“The two happiest days of a man’s life—the day he bought the boat and the day he sold the boat” is a well known joke. "The two happiest days in a time traveler's life: The day…
“The two happiest days of a man’s life—the day he bought the boat and the day he sold the boat” is a well known joke. "The two happiest days in a time traveler's life: The day…
When the weather is nice, some people go outside and run, but many people don't run in any weather. A joke is: "The weather is so nice I think I'll go outside and watch other people…
"The temperature/weather just went from 90 to 55 like it saw a state trooper" (a quick transition from summer to fall) is a jocular saying that has been printed on many images. Speeding…
Many people feel that a two-day weekend (Saturday and Sunday) passes by too quickly. "Weekend should get a speeding ticket. It's flying!!!!" was posted on Twitter by Randall A.…
"Nothing ruins (a/your) Friday like realizing it's only Tuesday" has been printed on many images, and "Nothing ruins (a/your) Friday like realizing it's only…
"Nothing ruins (a/your) Friday like realizing it's only Tuesday" has been printed on many images, and "Nothing ruins (a/your) Friday like realizing it's only…
The coronavirus pandemic, along with violent protests and looting, wildfires and hurricanes, made 2020 a horrible year for many people. "Thinking about starting a petition to cancel setting…
"That bit between Christmas and New Year where you don’t know what day it is, who you are or what you’re suppose(d) to be doing" is a jocular end-of-year saying that has been printed…
"There are some things you can only learn in a storm" -- that is, learn through difficulties -- is a saying that has been printed on many images. "Some stuff you can't learn on…
"There are two seasons in the North -- winter and road construction" is a joke told about many northern cities. "There are two seasons -- winter and August (or Fourth of July)"…
Most ovens come with a timer. "There's a button on my oven that says 'Stop Time.' I don't think I should have that much power over the universe" was posted on Twitter…
"Welcome APRIL Wishing you a wonderful month filled with love & happiness. FIONAChilds.com" (shown on an image) was posted on Facebook on Changathikoottam on March 31, 2014.…
"There's snow place like home" is a winter saying that has been printed on many images. "There's no place like home" is a famous line from the song "Home! Sweet…
"There's snow place like home" is a winter saying that has been printed on many images. "There's no place like home" is a famous line from the song "Home! Sweet…
"They're finally making a documentary about the invention of clocks. It's about time!" is a pun that was posted on Twitter by drewtarvin on June 26, 2012. "Did you hear…
"They don't make things like they used to" is an old saying. "They don't make time machines like they're going to very soon" was said by English actor, DJ and…
"Hõte ás fuqùe" or "hot as fuque" is a fancier way to say "hot as fuck" (very hot). "Today was a good hair day, despite it being hot as fuque outside" was…
Many people gain an extra layer of fat in the wintertime. They rationalize that the fat will at least keep them warm, but they often still feel cold. "and why isn't the layer of fat that…
There are many ways to say that a person is big. A man can be "tall as a building" or "have his own zip code." New York-born comedian and actor Billy Crystal said that, as a…
"This heat got me sweating harder than my ex tryna tell the truth" is a saying that has been printed on many images. "Sweating harder than my ex tryna tell the truth rn" (shown…