“The beginning of eternity. The end of time and space” (riddle)
The letter "e" has several riddles. This was printed in The Lady's Magazine in December 1787: "THE beginning of eternity,The end of time and space,The beginning of every end,And…
The letter "e" has several riddles. This was printed in The Lady's Magazine in December 1787: "THE beginning of eternity,The end of time and space,The beginning of every end,And…
"The best day between yesterday and tomorrow is Saturday" is a Saturday saying of unknown authorship. The saying has been cited in print since at least May 2023. Facebook Simon Mwansa May…
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-1882) wrote in "The Poet's Tale" of Tales of a Wayside Inn (1863): "For after all, the best thing one can doWhen it is raining, is to let it…
"6:30" on an analog clock is a time when both the hour hand and the minute hand are faced down. "Hands down" means "without question." "Barack is the man, hands…
"The best way to celebrate Leap Day is coming to the Empire State Building" is a supposed tweet of New York City's Empire State Building (@EmpireStateBldg) on February 29, 2024 at…
"The air hurts my face. Why am I living where the air hurts my face?" -- usually meaning that the winter air is very cold, possibly causing frostbite -- is a saying that has been printed…
"The darkest hour has only sixty minutes" is a popular inspirational saying. "Yes, it is true that the darkest hour is only sixty minutes, after all" was cited in 1897.…
"Brace yourselves... Soon the era of pumpkin (spice) will fall and the northern winds will whisper 'peppermint everything.' Minter is coming" is a seasonal saying that has been…
"The first five days after the weekend are always the hardest" is a jocular work saying that has been printed on many ecards and posters. "The first five days after the #weekend are…
Entry in progress -- B.P. TwitterConnect Dots@LoudAmericanthe four seasons: 1. SQUIRREL SEASON 2. DEER SEASON 3. RABBIT SEASON 4. TURKEY SEASON10:46 AM - 24 Jul 2009…
The word "dismay" has nothing to do with the month of May, but there are jokes. "Dismay: To insult the 5th month" was posted on the newsgroup alt.humor.puns on March 23, 2005.…
"The heat index is somewhere between OMG (Oh My God! -- ed.) and WTF (What The Fuck? -- ed.)" -- that is to say, it's very hot -- is a saying that has been printed on many images.…
A food joke starts with the weather -- "The high for today was..." The next line refers to unhealthy eating: "The low was..." The many forms of the saying have been printed on…
A food joke starts with the weather -- "The high for today was..." The next line refers to unhealthy eating: "The low was..." The many forms of the saying have been printed on…
"The air hurts my face. Why am I living where the air hurts my face?" -- usually meaning that the winter air is very cold, possibly causing frostbite -- is a saying that has been printed…
"The hour we lose/lost this weekend was the one when I was planning to go to the gym" is a jocular saying about Daylight Saving TIme that has been printed on many images. "The hour…
"The hour we lose/lost this weekend was the one when I was planning to go to the gym" is a jocular saying about Daylight Saving TIme that has been printed on many images. "The hour…
An old joke has a person seek to purchase a "potato clock" because he or she was told to "get up at eight o'clock." The mondegreen has been cited in print since at least…
How long is a minute? "The length of a minute depends on which side of the bathroom door you're on," according to an old joke. "The length of a minute depends on which side of…
The "moon landing" means a person landing on the moon. "Moon landing" does not mean that the moon is landing, but there are jokes. "The moon landing never happened the moon…