“September is like the Monday of summer”
"September is the Monday of the summer!" is a saying. June is the beginning of summer, like Friday is the beginning of the weekend. July is prime summer, like Saturday is a prime day of…
"September is the Monday of the summer!" is a saying. June is the beginning of summer, like Friday is the beginning of the weekend. July is prime summer, like Saturday is a prime day of…
The weather in September/October can vary. "Fall/September/October is my favorite time of year to finally turn the central air off and turn the heat on at 5 am then turn it back off at 9 am to…
"September is the Monday of the summer!" is a saying. June is the beginning of summer, like Friday is the beginning of the weekend. July is prime summer, like Saturday is a prime day of…
"Shut up. You're not seizing the day. Nobody seizes a Tuesday. Psychopath" is a Tuesday saying that has been printed on many images. "Seize the day" (carpe diem) is a Latin…
The expression "same shit, different day" is not meant to be taken literally. A joke was posted on the newsgroup alt.tasteless on September 11, 1999: "Y'know, it just occurs to…
"Sixty might be the new forty, but 9:00 is the new midnight" is a jocular saying about aging that has been printed on many images. "If 50 is the new 40 then 9 o'clock is the new…
"Sleeping is hard in the summer because blankets are too warm, but without blankets I’m vulnerable to monsters" is a jocular saying that has been printed on many images.…
"Smile. It's Friday" is a Friday saying that has been printed on many images. Friday is often the last work day of the week. "S-M-I-L-E IT'S FRIDAY" was printed in the…
"Smonday" is a portmanteau of the words "Sunday" and "Monday." "Smonday: The moment when Sunday stops feeling like a Sunday and the anxiety of Monday kicks…
"Snow hair, don't care" is a saying that has been printed on many images. The speaker doesn't care if snow gets in the hair -- it's what happens in winter. "Snow hair,…
"Snow happens hot chocolate helps" is a winter saying of unknown authorship. The saying has been cited in print since at least 2019. Rachel Pitzel January 15, 2020 75 January / Winter…
Do people put up Christmas lights too early? And does that bring on winter even faster? Sayings that snow in November is caused by people prematurely decorating for Christmas have been printed on…
Do people put up Christmas lights too early? And does that bring on winter even faster? "FACT: Snow in October happens because people decorate for Christmas prematurely. You know who you are.…
"Snow is like a man" or "Snow is like sex" or "Sex is like snow" or "Sex is like a snowstorm" is the start of an old joke that has been printed on many…
"Snow is not a word, but an acronym for S-hit, N-o, O-ne, W-ants" is a jocular saying that has been printed on many images. "Snow: Shit No One Wants" has also been printed on…
The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) gained prominence in early 2014. "ISIS" sounds like "ice is." "Is snow a potential terror threat? No, but Isis" was posted…
"Snow that doesn't stick is just worthless cold ass rain... sigh" was posted on Twitteron November 30, 2010. "Snow that doesn't stick is just fluffy rain…
"Snow is not a word, but an acronym for S-hit, N-o, O-ne, W-ants" is a jocular saying that has been printed on many images. "Snow: Shit No One Wants" has also been printed on…
"Snowflakes are kisses from heaven is a saying of unknown authorship that has been printed on many images. "Snowflakes, like little white kisses from heaven" was cited in the Chicago…
"A snowflake is winter's butterfly" (or the plural, "Snowflakes are winter's butterflies") is a seasonal saying that has been printed on many images. Snowflakes and…