“It’s margarita degrees outside”
"It’s margarita degrees outside" means that it's the right temperature to drink a margarita. That could mean that it's hot outside, but many people can drink a margarita in…
"It’s margarita degrees outside" means that it's the right temperature to drink a margarita. That could mean that it's hot outside, but many people can drink a margarita in…
"It’s not a 'conspiracy theory' when there are patents for it" is a saying that has been pinted on many images. In other words, the patents prove that it's not a crazy…
"It’s not a Sunday unless you completely waste it, then feel really sad around 8 p.m." is a saying that has been printed on many images. The saying was posted on Twitter on April 19,…
"It’s not a Sunday unless you completely waste it, then feel really sad around 8 p.m." is a saying that has been printed on many images. The saying was posted on Twitter on April 19,…
"It's officially 'once I'm home I'm not coming back out' season" (that is, it's very cold or very hot) is a jocular saying that has been printed on many…
"It’s officially 'once I’m home I’m not going out again' season" (that is, it's very cold or very hot) is a jocular saying that has been printed on many images.…
"I can't wait for warm summer nights, outside on the patio. *326 mosquitos liked your post*" is a saying that has been printed on many images. There are several variations. "(On…
Reversing the cables of a car's battery doesn't turn the heat into air conditioning, or the air conditioning into heat. However, there are seasonal jokes that have been printed on many…
"it’s the weekend, baby! might mess around and use a different setting on the washing machine" was posted on Twitter by Mowgli on January 23, 2022. That is, the speaker is not doing…
"January (n.) A giant Monday" and "Ugh...January. The whole month is just a giant Monday" are sayings that have been printed on many images. "January's like a giant…
The month of January is the first month of the year, and it has been compared to Monday, the first day of a usual work week. Both January and Monday are frequently unloved. "January is the…
"January is the worst month. You're fat and broke from the holidays, paler than ever, and you can't feel your own face when you walk outside" (or "January is the worst…
"January is the worst month. You're fat and broke from the holidays, paler than ever, and you can't feel your own face when you walk outside" (or "January is the worst…
"January was a tough year, but we made it (through)" is a jocular January saying that has been printed on many images. That is, the month of January feels so long that it seems like a…
"July is a blind date with summer" is a July saying that has been printed on many images. Harold "Hal" Borland (1900-1978) wrote the unsigned editorial "July" in the…
"July is the Saturday of the summer!" is a saying that has been printed on a T-shirt. July is prime summer, like Saturday is a prime day of the weekend. In contrast, August signals the…
"June's over? Julying" is a saying that has been printed on many images. "June's over? Julying" is appropriate for July 1st, while "June's almost over?…
"June is the Friday of the summer!" is a saying. June is the beginning of summer, like Friday is the beginning of the weekend. July is prime summer, like Saturday is a prime day of the…
"June's over? Julying" is a saying that has been printed on many images. "June's over? Julying" is appropriate for July 1st, while "June's almost over?…
"June's over? Julying" is a saying that has been printed on many images. "June's over? Julying" is appropriate for July 1st, while "June's almost over?…