“Perseverance and sweet oil”

"Perseverance and sweet oil" seems like a Texas way of doing things, but this phrase dates from at least the mid-19th century. Google BooksHistory of the Express Businessby Alexanderā€¦

“Piss on the fire and call in the dogs”

To "piss on the (camp)fire and call in the dogs" is an alleged cowboy saying for quitting time. The saying has been cited in print since at least 1969 and has been used by many Texasā€¦

“Pollen is the snow of the south”

Entry in progress -- BP TwitterEl Arroyo@ElArroyo_ATXIYKYK https://instagr.am/p/CYRrTGGuzNE/(The following text is shown on the restaurant's sign. -- ed.)POLLENIS THESNOW OFTHE SOUTH12:32 PMā€¦

“Put some South in your mouth!”

"Put some South in your mouth!" (also "Put a little South in your mouth!" or "Put the South in your mouth!) is a phrase that has been popularized by restaurants sellingā€¦

“Put the ‘T’ back in Texas”

Charlie Strong took over as head football coach for the University of Texas Longhorns in 2014. In a February 2014 interview with My Fox Austin, Strong said: ā€œI have a new shirt, it says ā€˜putā€¦

“Queso is just Texan fondue”

Chile con queso is often compared to fondue (a French/Swiss dish). "Eating @TheMeltingPot - If Mexican Restaurants ever figure out that queso is fondue - They could make a killing!" wasā€¦