“Slicker than owl shit” (very slick)

To be "slicker than owl shit" is to be very slick. The expression is popular throughout the South, but possibly originated in Texas. "Alcalde oil is as slick as owl grease" was…

“Slow walk” (“low and slow” barbecue)

The Original Texas Barbecue King in downtown Los Angeles, California advertises: Barbecue King started out as the brainchild of Rod Daniels, using many of the recipes handed down to him by his…

“Something rotten in the cotton”

"Something (is) rotten in the cotton" is a Southern expression meaning that something is wrong. U.S. president Lyndon B. Johnson (1908-1973) is credited with saying it. "Something…

“Steers and Queers”

Texas has been called a "land of steers and queers." Sometimes, "beers" is added to that. The "steers and queers" chant has long been a popular Southern Methodist…

“Stick a fork in him (he’s done)”

"Stick a fork in him" means "he's done." It's a barbecue term; the piece of meat is cooked and you can stick a fork in it and take it off the grill. The term is used…

“Talk. Text. Crash.” (TxDOT slogan)

The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) introduced its slogan, "Talk. Text. Crash.," in April 2011 during National Distracted Driving Awareness Month. The slogan has also been used…