“Judge, 60% of my parking tickets are bogus” (joke)
A traffic court joke was posted on Twitter by Terry F on May 3, 2016: [traffic court]Your honor, I'm here to dispute 4 of my 5 ticketsJUDGE: Repeat infractions?Ok, I'm here to dispute…
A traffic court joke was posted on Twitter by Terry F on May 3, 2016: [traffic court]Your honor, I'm here to dispute 4 of my 5 ticketsJUDGE: Repeat infractions?Ok, I'm here to dispute…
A traffic court joke was posted on Twitter by Terry F on May 3, 2016: [traffic court]Your honor, I'm here to dispute 4 of my 5 ticketsJUDGE: Repeat infractions?Ok, I'm here to dispute…
A traffic court joke was posted on Twitter by Terry F on May 3, 2016: [traffic court]Your honor, I'm here to dispute 4 of my 5 ticketsJUDGE: Repeat infractions?Ok, I'm here to dispute…
"Memorizing pothole locations is a survival skill where I live" -- "where I live" is often replaced with the location -- is a saying that has been printed on many images.…
"Memorizing pothole locations is a survival skill where I live" -- "where I live" is often replaced with the location -- is a saying that has been printed on many images.…
"Memorizing pothole locations is a survival skill where I live" -- "where I live" is often replaced with the location -- is a saying that has been printed on many images.…
"Memorizing pothole locations is a survival skill where I live" -- "where I live" is often replaced with the location -- is a saying that has been printed on many images.…
A driver passing through a school zone spends the most time looking...at the speedometer? "I was paying so much attention to my speedometer in a school zone that I ran over a kid. Sorry…
Street Fighter is one of the highest-grossing video game franchises of all time. The title refers to fighting in the street -- not fighting against the street. "My career as a street fighter…
Many places have car-changing potholes. "Chattanooga potholes will change your radio station , lock your doors , end the transmission and pop holes in 3/4 tires" was posted on Twitter by…
"Never ask a starfish for directions" is a one-line saying that has been printed on many images. The five-pointed starfish can take one in five different directions. "When your…
Russell Baker, an "Observer" columnist for the New York (NY) Times, wrote on June 25, 1977: "New York is the only city in the world where you can get deliberately run down on the…
"How come the shortest distance between two points is always under construction?" is a jocular line about driving that was published in Changing Times -- The Kiplinger Magazine in…
The word "parking" doesn't consist of a "par king," but a joke was posted on the website Pun of the Day on December 25, 2014: "Parking - an average sovereign."…
A parking joke is: "Parking a single car doesn’t require much space. But parking 200 cars, now that requires a lot." The joke was posted on Twitter by Mr. Drinks On Me on March 26,…
There is "parking," but no "parqueen." The two terms have been printed on several images. "The opposite of parking. Parqueen" was posted on Twitter by Rad Luke on May…
A parking garage has been called a "hotel for cars." "Hotel for Autos, 25 Stories High, Is Chicago Plan" was a headline in the Atlanta (GA) Constitution on February 20, 1922. A…
"Parking is such street sorrow" is a pun on the famous line from the play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, "Parting is such sweet sorrow." "Quotation marksmanship:…
"People need to stop putting flyers on my car. I don't want to see a band called 'Parking Violation' at the 'Courthouse'" is a jocular line about parking tickets…
People who back into parking spots are a peeve for many other people. "I can't help but think people who back into parking spots are just showing off" was posted on Twitter by…